October 10, 2014 Meeting



October 10, 2014


Members Present:      Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Eric Bérubé, Darcy Bogle, Kamala Carlson, Bill Devine, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Adam Hightower, Dena Maloney, Brock McMurray, Velda Pena, Tony Thompson, Brandy Young, and Mark Williams.


Members Absent:       Bruce Ferguson, Vicki Jacobi, and Laura Riss


Guests:                            Adrian Agundez


Facilitator:                       Tony Thompson

Recorder:                        Brandy Young

Timekeeper:                  Tony Thompson

Minutes:                          Melissa Blanco




  • The minutes of the meeting held September 26, 2014 were approved by consensus.




  • Strategic Planning Committee (Eric Bérubé) – The SPC held a virtual meeting via email to discuss and finalize the District’s Mission Statement: 2014. The Strategic Action Plan Steering committee will be meeting on Thursday, October 16, 2016 to develop a new strategic three-year plan. The committee will be working with the College Brain Trust consultants, who also helped us with the Educational Master Plan. We received over 78 submissions. This data will be used to develop the Strategic Action Plan.
  • Student Success Committee (Darcy Bogle) – The Student Success Committee met on Thursday, October 9, 2014. Darcy and Mark have met with other groups to discuss the Student Success Plan and Equity Plan. Darcy has asked for feedback from other areas via Governance Council members and other meetings along with student input as well. The Student Success Committee will be moving forward on how to implement the plan and develop more specifics. One of goals of committee is to look at data and how to use it. Tony reiterated that student involvement and getting feedback are key to study success.
  • Access Committee (Mark Williams) – The Access committee met October 10, 2014 to review the charter and map out the work. The committee agreed they would focus on enrollment management. Adam Bledsoe has volunteered to be the data person. The committee plans to meet with a panel of 5 to 6 students to see gather input.
  • Campus Safety and Security Committee (Darcy Bogle) – The Committee met on October 10, 2014. The Committee’s goals this year are to develop the emergency plan and review all documents related to safety. Dena stated that the Board had a legislative workshop earlier in the week. The speaker stated that campus safety is a major focus for the legislature and that she hopes it leads to funding to help keep our campus safe.




Governance Council

October 10, 2014

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  • Budget Committee (Brock McMurray) – The Budget Committee met October 9, 2014. The committee revised the budget calendar by adding a few items and key points to tie budgeting to the planning process. Once the budget calendar is finalized and presented to the Board it will be distributed campus-wide. The committee also discussed the system budget and updates on budget items. One bight hope is the proposed change in the community college system funding formula. Mark McDonald from the McCallum Group shared the new funding formula may be based on factors such as unemployment rates, income levels and educational attainment within a college’s service area. This may benefit Taft College. With the possibility of a change in funding formula, Taft College may be able to receive growth funds – something we have not been able to do since we exercised an exemption for the 2011-12 workload reduction.



Brock gave the GC members an update regarding the funding for completion of the TIL building.  The TIL program expected to raise funds through grants and other financing mechanisms in the amount of $2.1M.  Despite all efforts, this did not occur.  As a result, the District had to front the front the money utilizing other funds earmarked for construction costs financed by Certificates of Participation.  The TIL Program has developed a repayment plan which will repay the District over a ten year period.  The annual TIL budget will include a payment of $200,000 plus  which will come from existing contracts and new fundraising/enterprise funds. The first year payment will come from the Foundation account for TIL.



(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • Eric distributed the final version of the new Taft College Mission, Vision and Values statement (copy attached to official minutes). Eric suggested the mission be framed for public display around campus where staff and students can see it. SPC recommended this version as the final version.
  • Some questioned the use of “foundation skills” in the “Our Mission” section. What is the meaning?   Darcy explained “foundational skills” is meant to encompass the skills for success, basic skills, college survival, career planning, and any skills students would need to succeed.
  • One member stated that “Our Values” should also include the District values our students. Members believe the other values listed represent we value our students and no further statement is needed.
  • Through further discussion, the mission was revised as follows: Taft College is committed to creating a community of learners by enriching the lives of all students we serve through Career Technical Education, transfer programs, foundational programs and student support services.
  • CONSENSUS: The GC members agreed on the above recommended revision of the “Our Mission” for the Taft College Mission Statement.
  • Eric will send this out campus-wide for comment and bring back for discussion at the next meeting.


(Led by Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President)



Governance Council

October 10, 2014

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  • Dena stated the Governance Guide Taskforce met September 26, 2014 to discuss the need and the outline of the guide. Comments have been sent to Brandy Young to add to the draft and the group is scheduled to meet today at 3:00 p.m.


(Led by Darcy Bogle, VP of Student Services)

  • Darcy distributed handout titled “Student Success and Support Program Plan Overview” (copy attached to official minutes). Darcy gave a presentation including how to use the Scorecard Performance Measurement System to analyze the success of the District’s students and their performance by age, gender, ethnicity, etc.
  • She discussed some of the metrics and the six factors that are used in measuring student success.
  • Dr. Robert Johnstone will be visiting our campus during spring in-service to present his “Completion by Design” model. The “Completion by Design” and “Redesign Systems and Practices for Student Success” are models that we will be looking at for the District.
  • Mark distributed a handout titled “Equity as the Basis for Success” (copy attached to official minutes) and discussed equity and it’s methods. We all agreed that it is important for all areas on campus be “fluent” in understanding how this works.


(Led by Darcy Bogle, VP of Student Services)


  • Darcy distributed the drafts of the Board Policy and Administrative Procedures for Prohibition of Bullying along with the revised draft of BP 5500 Standards of Conduct (copy attached to official minutes).
  • Darcy explained there are a lot of new laws and all supervisors will need to have training. This policy was created to provide a safe environment for both students and employees.
  • Governance Council members were requested to take these policies out to their constituents for feedback or questions.



(Led by Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President)

  • Dena distributed the draft of AP 3720 – Computer and Network Use Procedure and the Computer and Network Use Agreement (copy attached to official minutes) and discussed the background for the procedure and use agreement regarding the use of district technology and networks.
  • The procedures were designed for students and employees with input from the Taft College legal counsel.
  • The District plans to introduce and implement the new procedures in spring 2015. This is to ensure the integrity of our system and prevent abuse.


Governance Council

October 10, 2014

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  • There was discussion on some of the concerns raised by employees in regards to the procedure. Dena explained that the District interest is to ensure the security and integrity of its technology resources, and to ensure that employees are aware that use of the system is a privilege.
  • Dena and Adrian indicated that email messages are subject to public records requests and can also be subpoenaed.
  • Dena requested that the all representatives share this information with their constituent groups and that she or Adrian would be happy to answer any questions regarding the proposed procedure.


Next Meeting:


Facilitator:           Brock McMurray

Recorder:            Darcy Bogle

Timekeeper:      Velda Pena


Next Meeting:                  October 24, 2014

Meeting Adjourned:      2 pm



Respectfully submitted by:



Melissa Blanco
