January 10, 2014 Meeting


Governance Council
January 10, 2014 12:10 – 2:00 pm
Cougar Room
Facilitator: Darcy Bogle
Recorder: Greg Golling
Timekeeper: Kamala Carlson
Minutes: Debbie Hegeman
1. Approval of Minutes from December 13, 2013 5 minutes
2. Update on Resource Allocation Rankings 10 minutes
(led by Eric Berube)
3. Report on Progress in Establishing the Student Success and
Access Committees (led by Darcy Bogle and Mark Williams) 15 minutes
4. Industry Interest in Off Campus Educational Facility 30 minutes
(led by Dena Maloney)
5. AB86 Adult Education Consortium Planning Grant 30 minutes
(led by Dena Maloney)
6. ACCJC Report on Student Learning Outcomes 15 minutes
(led by Vicki Herder)
Next Meeting: January 24, 2014
Call for:
Time Keeper



January 10, 2014 11 A.M. – 12 P.M.

Facilitator: Mark Williams Recorder: Greg Golling Timekeeper: Kamala Carlson Minutes: Debbie Hegeman


Members Present: Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Kamala Carlson, Brandy Cramer, Sharyn Eveland, Bruce Ferguson, Greg Golling, Vicki Jacobi, Dena Maloney, Brock McMurray, Velda Peña, Laura Riss, Sonja Swenson and Mark Williams.
Members Absent: Darcy Bogle, Mylasi Smith, and Tony Thompson.
Guests: Eric Bérubé


The minutes of the meeting held December 13, 2013 were approved by consensus.



(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

Eric distributed the final scoring sheet of the non-personnel items sorted in order of ranking by the Governance Council (copy attached to official minutes and on-line). The items already funded have been highlighted in dark gray. The next step is to send this document to the Budget Committee for review.



(Led by Darcy Bogle, VP of Student Services, and Mark Williams, VP of Instruction)

Darcy reported the Student Success committee had met and discussed upcoming funding issues. They will attempt to meet at least twice a year.

Mark reported the Access Committee is scheduled to meet next week the week of January 13th. Five people have expressed interest in serving on the committee.



(Led by Victoria Jacobi)

Vicki shared with the committee the Status Report which was submitted to the ACCJC on Student Learning Outcomes implementation. The report advised the accrediting commission on Taft College’s progress towards proficiency according to the Commission’s rubric. ! copy of the Commission’s

assessment addressing our progress was received in November 2013 (attached to official minutes.)

According to the feedback received from ACCJC our overall score was below the average for all colleges. Vicki was disappointed with the report, however, she feels we are doing what we should be doing as a college but are falling short providing evidence and documenting action.

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According to !CCJC we should be at sustainability and their report indicated we aren’t yet proficient. Dena, Vicki, Mark and Eric have been meeting on this topic and suggest that Vicki begin sharing the report with a variety of campus committees. The committees will be invited to develop

recommendations on how to strengthen the college’s SLO sustainability efforts.

Dena feels we are on the right track. She recommends that once the committees have done their work, we bring the recommendations back to the Governance Council for review and dialogue. The final step is to share the ACCJC report and our recommendations/action plan with the Board of Trustees.



(Led by Dena Maloney)

A few years ago there was an interest from oil company representatives for us to look at a training facility in Alberta Canada due to a need of skilled workers in the state. Recently Dena was approached by an individual owner of an oil company in regards to the industry building and donating to TC a facility to do some of the more specialized programs that the industry needs.


  • If a group provides the resources, what type of programs might be in the facility?
  • What might we want to offer?
  • What would be important to us in design and operation of such a facility?
  • Where would the facility be located? In the city of Taft or ??
  • Would they be willing to support the faculty and staff as well?
  • It would meet the needs of local business and industry, but we would have to look at what our costs would be to operate.
  • Is this a duplication of WESTEC?
  • WESTEC facilities are old and are cause for concern.
  • Computer Science Program? We would need an instructor.
  • If this happens, we are the education experts and we need to define how we will deliver training. Need to figure out a ‘gap analysis.’ What’s the gap then define the training.  If we don’t show interest in the near future, the offer may die.
  • The landlocked situation is real and some of these types of educational programs aren’t well suited to a 39 acre campus. This could be a possible solution to the issue.
  • Possibility to tie in the high school oil tech academy.


Dena will continue discussions with the interested parties and bring back information as she receives it.



(Led by Dena Maloney)

The Governors’ proposal is to move adult education from the high school to the community colleges. It morphed from $300 million fund to a $22 million to offer planning grants. Taft College will receive approximately $158,000 to work with the high schools to develop a program. If we don’t take advantage of this opportunity, the neighboring community colleges can plan for us. We would have Taft Union High School and Maricopa High School as partners. March 2014 – June 2015 has been established as the planning period. We need to submit a one-page Certification of Eligibility Cover Sheet by the end of the month. By the end of February, we will need to submit an 8-page plan and budget.

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Dena isn’t sure who will be involved in the planning activity, but recommends this go to the Division Chairs and Student Services for feedback and recommendations for a group to serve on the plan development committee.

Facilitator: Bruce Ferguson Recorder: Brandi Cramer Timekeeper: Kanoe Bandy

Next Meeting: January 24, 2014 Meeting Adjourned: 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Debbie Hegeman
