October 13, 2015 Meeting


Tuesday, October 13, 2015
12:00 am – 1:00 pm
Cafeteria Conference Room

The College Facilities Committee is a participatory committee primarily responsible for long range facilities planning for the college as well as establishing goals related to enacting the facilities plan. In all its actions, the committee must place the highest value on building communication and trust with the entire college community, and in using consensus to reach its decisions.
1. Review Minutes from September 8, 2015
2. Accreditation
3. Land acquisition plan
4. Project Updates
5. Other



Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Members Present: Brock McMurray, Carla Sandoval, Claudia Casagrande, Darcy Bogle, Debora Rodenhauser, Jose Vargas, Kent Miller, Mike Capela, Stacie Rancano, Steve Lytle and recorder, Debbie Hegeman


Members Absent:  Adrian Agundez and Mark Williams


1.       Review Minutes from September 8, 2015

The minutes from our September 8, 2015 meeting were approved by consensus.


2.       Accreditation

Brock thanked the committee for their assistance with Standard 3B and to the members who met with the Accreditation Team when they were on campus. He reported the ‘Team’ gave 4 commendations of which one was related to the facilities component. They praised the appearance of the campus grounds, the planning process and positive comments around campus.


3.       Land Acquisition Plan

Brock discussed the long term planning for facilities is directly impacted due to being land locked. A long range strategy and planning outlook was completed extending the Facilities Master Plan (FMP) after closely coordinating with the Educational Master Plan (EMP). The FMP draws from the EMP and the college’s integrated planning process. Some of the general needs and recommendations that might relate to facilities are: Public transportation between Bakersfield/Taft; more property; more programs; block scheduling and large assembly room or event space.


The six items listed on page 32 of the FMP are the spaces identified on the future campus map renderings. They are not necessarily in order of importance but a starting point. When we need the facilities and how to go about acquiring financing are issues. Brock will meet with Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President as well as AP Architects to create language for dialog in this committee.

4.       Project Update Report Projects in Construction:

  • Site Utility at Alley – Student Center Infrastructure:

Other than a few issues being reviewed, this project is 90% complete.


·         ETEC/STEM Modular /Site-work:

The contractor is completing the site work and all final utility connections. Concurrently the building manufacturer is working on completing the interior finishes. Building furniture vendor and our IT department scheduled to install towards the end of the month. The project is expected to be completed at the end of October, 2015. A ribbon cutting ceremony is being planned for first part of November 19, 2015.


Facilities Committee Minutes October 13, 2015

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Projects in Working Drawings/Bidding:

  • PG&E Electrical Service Upgrade:

AP is finalizing the plans to bid out the PG&E electrical service upgrade project. This project will bring a new 4KV service onto campus in order to provide necessary power for the Student Center and future projects. We anticipate this project going to bid by the end of October.


Projects at DSA:

  • Student Center

The project has been approved by DSA however AP is waiting for a professional to review the project before we go to bid. This project began three years ago and with today’s market and increased costs need to make sure there is enough money to cover the project which should take two weeks.


Projects at the State Pending Funding: Vocational Center

This project is an approved Final Project Proposal (FPP) at the Chancellor’s Office and next in the queue. The project is 19,878 of assignable square feet (ASF): which consists mostly of laboratories and some office space. This project will be considered for funding on the next statewide general obligation bond. The project is extremely competitive and should have a great chance at being funded.


Scheduled Maintenance Projects:

  • Gym HVAC Repairs:
    • This project began last year however had to be continued to a lack of funds. We are now beginning Phase 2 with AO working on the RFP/Bid package to replace 2 units on the gym roof.

·         Gym Interior Repairs Phase 2:

  • Bids are being finalized for adding more sound



  • Darcy Bogle asked for confirmation of placement for the Hall of Fame plaques. Brock confirmed they would be hung in the Cougar Room until a permanent place is identified. Jose mentioned he would need to know ASAP if the choice is to have them in the new Student Center. This would allow time to create a wall with suitable
  • Darcy also mentioned the Public Information Committee has finalized our new logo which will be used for flag poles and the hanging signs which identify offices in the Administration/Student Services building.
  • Steve Lytle asked about whether a parking structure had been The discussion confirmed we had looked into it however there are issues with the ground stability as well as the cost.


(Handouts from this meeting will be available on the Intranet)


Respectfully submitted by: Debbie Hegeman
