March 10, 2015 Meeting


Tuesday, March 10, 2015
12:00 am – 1:00 pm
Cafeteria Conference Room
1. Review Minutes from February 10, 2015
2. Project Updates
3. Facilities Master Plan Update
4. Recognition Space
5. Other



Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Members Present:   Brock McMurray, Carla Sandoval, Claudia Casagrande, Craig Johnson, Darcy Bogle, Kent Miller, Sonja Swenson, and Stacie Rancano.

Members Absent: Adrian Agundez, Mark Williams and Mike Capela

Ad hoc members: Jose Vargas and Marisa Slayton

  1. Review Minutes from February 10, 2015


The minutes were approved by consensus with two changes: Correction to spelling of Stacie Rancano’s name and the “Respectfully Submitted by”.

  1. Project Update Report (Marisa Slayton, AP Architects)


Projects at DSA:

  • Student Center Of the plans which were resubmitted at the end of 2014, two have been received back. Marisa shared how detailed the process is and Jose added they are as frustrated as we are to not have the plans back and approved.


Projects in Design:

  • STEM Engineering Buildings The contractor has been selected and an amount for the guaranteed maximum price. This information will be submitted for board approval March 11th.


Scheduled Maintenance Projects:

  • Infrastructure Upgrade at Alley:
    • The project is currently bidding, with a Bid Opening date of March 26th. The recommendation should be submitted to the board for approval on April 8th if an acceptable bid is received.
  • PG&E Electrical Service Upgrade:
    • PG&E contract was approved by the board during the February 11th PG&E along with AP Architects are finalizing the project plans to prepare for construction.
  • Gym HVAC Repairs:
    • This project is currently bidding, with a Bid Opening date of April 26th. Following acceptable bid, the contract is scheduled to appear on the April 8th board meeting agenda for approval.
  • Gym Roof Repairs:
    • Initial proposals were received and found to be over project budget. AP is working with those who provided initial proposals to adjust project scope to meet budget. The recommendation to award this contact should be submitted for board approval during the April 8th


Facilities Committee Minutes

March 10, 2015

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  • Gym Interior Repairs:
    • AP is finalizing the RFP package to send to contractors for interior gym repair work. RFP to be issued March, 2015. Project scope to include interior painting of the gym along with removal and addition of sound boards and ceiling baffles for added sound mitigation.


Prop 39:

  • HVAC Controls at G-Modular Buildings, Gym and CDC Miscellaneous:
    • Contractor has completed work.
  • Site Lighting LED Retrofit:
    • The prototypes are being made. This project should be completed within 6 weeks.


Projects at the State Pending Funding:

  • Vocation Center The Vocational Center project is an approved Final Project Proposal (FPP) at the Chancellor’s office. The project consists of 19,878 assignable square feet (ASF); which consists mostly of laboratories and some office space. This project will be considered for funding on the next statewide general obligation bond. The project is extremely competitive and should have a great chance at being funded.


  1. Facilities Master Plan (Brock)


Brock met with Don Koenig of the Westside Recreation Center and pleased to share they are open to partnering with us in regards to athletic facilities. This would help in our efforts to not duplicate programs to the Community. Brock asked for additional comments from the committee on the updated draft provided. Some suggestions were:

  • Change the name on building J to Sports Complex/Wellness Center
  • Building F should be a marquee type building – perhaps Community Center/Educational Center of some type.


Brock will take the updated Site Master Plan to the Governance Council and the Board. After the Site Master Plan is completed, the next step will be a Facilities Master Plan.

  1. Recognition Space (Brock)


Brock reminded the committee of Ginger, our campus dog, who passed away. A group met to come up with a way to honor her memory. The group had a plaque made for her and has asked to place the plaque up in her honor.

Craig shared he feels the time has come for this committee to make a decision about requests such as this, what process should be used, where the plaques should be placed and when. He reminded the committee of the memory benches which were removed when the quad was being redone and they still haven’t been replaced on campus.

Some comments regarding this issue were:

  • Replace the benches with the same type of plaque as Ginger’s
  • Where should they be placed on campus
  • What about ASB park
  • What about doing bricks instead of plaques


Facilities Committee Minutes

March 10, 2015

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  • Family members who donated the memory benches would likely want where the benches are placed to be respected – a type of Memorial Garden.
  • What about putting the plaques on doors
  • Place the plaques around the fountain
  • Place the benches around the planters in front of the T-building
  • Check to see how much the plaques are and replace the benches – return the benches to the family
  • Keep in mind the plaque in front of the cafeteria in honor of John and Betty Miller’s son


Summary: Replace the memory benches with plaques and return the benches to the family. Identify an appropriate space on campus for the plaques but put Ginger’s plaque in a separate area. A suggestion was made to hand the plaque for Ginger on the building where she use to lay. Debbie will check with Laura to find out the cost of the plaque (confirmed a 12 x 10 for $638.98). There is a possibility the Foundation could advertise for potential donors for the quad area.

  1. Hall of Fame Plaques (added to agenda)


Brock, along with AP Architects, reviewed the request from the Hall of Fame Committee to hand the Hall of Fame plaques on the west wall after you enter the Library. Their recommendation is not to use the wall due to the slope of the hallway. They have recommended the Hall of Fame plaques be placed on the back wall of the Cougar Room for now until a permanent place is identified.

  1. Other


Craig mentioned the Kern County Library has been taken over by a private entity. Brock shared he was aware and doesn’t feel the college’s future plans will be negatively impacted.

Brock shared with the committee the Governor has not been in support of a Statewide Educational bond, however there are several groups working together to get this on the next election.

(All handouts from this meeting will be available on the Intranet)

Next meeting: April 14, 2015, noon, cafeteria conference room. (Lunch provided)

Respectfully submitted by:

Debbie Hegeman
