February 10, 2015 Meeting


Tuesday, February 10, 2015
12:00 am – 1:00 pm
Cafeteria Conference Room
1. Review Minutes from January 13, 2015
2. Project Updates
3. Facilities Master Plan
4. Other



Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Members Present:   Brock McMurray, Carla Sandoval, Claudia Casagrande, Craig Johnson, Darcy Bogle, Jose Vargas, Kent Miller, Mike Capela, Sonja Swenson, and Stacie Rancano.

  1. Review Minutes from January 13, 2015


The minutes were approved by consensus.

  1. Project Update Report (Jose Vargas, AP Architects)


Projects at DSA:

  • Student Center The Division of the State Architect’s Plan package was resubmitted for final plan check at the end of 2014. AP is awaiting return of DSA comments for final coordination and approval – anticipated first quarter of 2015.


Projects in Design:

  • STEM Engineering Buildings Pricing was received for the buildings and site work and the overall cost has come in over budget. Value Engineering between Owner, Architect, and Contractor to occur in early February to determine adjustments to scope and price. Hoping to send to the Board for approval in March, 2015.


Scheduled Maintenance Projects:

  • Infrastructure Upgrade at Alley:
    • AP is finalizing drawings in order to send out to bid. Anticipate bidding project February 2015, project construction anticipated to begin April 2015.
  • PG&E Electrical Service Upgrade:
    • PG&E contract is on the February agenda for approval. Pending board approval, final construction drawings and PGE install to follow.
  • Gym HVAC Repairs:
    • RFP (Request for Proposals) is in process; anticipate RFP being issued early January, 2015.
  • Gym Roof Repairs:
    • RFP proposals have been received and are being reviewed by AP. Bids have been received and are a little over. Expected timeline – April or May – depending on bidding.
  • Gym Interior Repairs:
    • AP is finalizing the RFP package to send to contractors for interior gym repair work. RFP to be issued February, 2015. Project scope to include interior painting of the gym along with removal and addition of sound boards and ceiling baffles for added sound mitigation.


Facilities Committee Minutes

February 10, 2015

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Prop 39:

  • HVAC Controls at G-Modular Buildings, Gym and CDC Miscellaneous:
    • Contractor has ordered parts and is coordinating with College for installation.
  • Site Lighting LED Retrofit:
    • The Contractor took one of each types of lights to see what is needed to complete the installation. Under construction, contractors are working on projects


Projects at the State Pending Funding:

  • Vocation Center The Vocational Center project is an approved Final Project Proposal (FPP) at the Chancellor’s office. The project consists of 19,878 assignable square feet (ASF); which consists mostly of laboratories and some office space. This project will be considered for funding on the next statewide general obligation bond. The project is extremely competitive and should have a great chance at being funded.


Brock added some finishing touches are still in progress for the Dorms. Some issues with doors/ keyless entry and heaters. He’s working with the contractors to complete the project.

Brock also noted some the above projects funding have matching and budget requirements.

  1. Facilities Master Plan During our last Facilities meeting the committee reviewed the Draft of Projects and Demolition Plan. Projections are very conservative compared to state projections. Two suggested changes were proposed to the draft; 1) “L” added Offsite Industry Education Center. The need to address the WESTEC facility, 2) “F” from a Community Wellness Center to Community Science Center. This could entice the community to use the facility as an interaction space.


  • Stacie asked if it would be like our Con Center.
  • Craig mentioned we need to have a building which can create FTE. The Gym is occupied by teams and becomes unusable for classrooms. We need to address the health of our employees.
  • Brock is asking for a general concept for the facility to be tied to both Science, Health, and the Community.
  • Additionally we need to understand what the West Side Recreation Center is promoting to the public so we won’t replicate their services.
  • Craig stated in 1980 we didn’t have a gym and because of Prop36 our current facility was constructed instead of a gymnastic dome.
  • Claudia mentioned adding community wellness building back into the Master Plan.
  • Darcy asked if the wellness area could be combined into the new sports complex.
  • Brock stated this would depend on the land, partnership and the plans.
  • We don’t have any health center therefore no health fee. However with the dorms we do have a procedure for sick/hurt students.


Facilities Committee Minutes

February 10, 2015

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  • Craig emailed information from our meeting to his division as he felt the coaches needed to be informed. Kanoe thanked him for including her.
  • Agnes is looking for space for the Learning Center
  • Stacie asked if there were plans to include a forum type classroom which Craig replied we purposely had not included such a classroom. We want to keep the smaller classes we’re known for and lecture classes take up a lot of lab space.
  • Jose said he could look at classrooms with partitions.
  • Craig reminded the committee the Student Center is designed to facilitate large gatherings.


(All handouts from this meeting will be available on the Intranet)

Next meeting: March 10, 2015, noon, cafeteria conference room. (Lunch provided)

Respectfully submitted by:

Carla Sandoval for Debbie Hegeman
