April 14, 2015 Meeting



Tuesday, April 14, 2015 12:00 am – 1:00 pm

Cafeteria Conference Room


  1. Review Minutes from March 10, 2015
  2. Project Updates
  3. Facilities Master Plan Update
  4. Sculpture for Library
  5. Posting Mission and Vision Statements in Classrooms
  6. Other



Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Members Present: Adrian Agundez, Brock McMurray, Claudia Casagrande, Craig Johnson, Darcy Bogle, Kent Miller, Mike Capela, and Stacie Rancano.

Members Absent: Carla Sandoval, Mark Williams and Sonja Swenson Ad hoc members: Jose Vargas

1: Review Minutes from March 10, 2015

The minutes were approved by consensus with one change on the last page: quad area changed to Library entrance area. Brock also took a moment to thank Sonja Swenson and Craig Johnson for their years of service to the Facilities Committee and wished them well with retirement.

2: Project Update Report (Jose Vargas, AP Architects)

Projects at DSA:

  • Student Center

AP is awaiting return of DSA comments for final coordination and approval which are being reviewed.  This could take approximately 1 month – anticipating first quarter of 2015.

Projects in Design:

  • STEM Engineering Buildings

Construction has begun. The pad is complete and more site work is scheduled as well as utilities and concrete work. The buildings are scheduled to arrive around August with occupancy beginning for the spring 2016 semester.


Scheduled Maintenance Projects:

  • Infrastructure Upgrade at Alley:
    • The project has bid and is being reviewed for approval at the next Board meeting. Construction to commence soon after the May Board meeting.
  • PG&E Electrical Service Upgrade:
    • PG&E and AP are finalizing project plans to prepare for construction. AP is currently working with the electrical engineer regarding the underground work.
  • Gym HVAC Repairs:
    • All the bids received for this project have been considerably over budget. AP has been reviewing other options with staff and contractors, given limited funding. We may have to do the work in-house after the bidding has closed and bids are reviewed.
  • Gym Roof Repairs:
    • The bid proposal was on the April 8th Board agenda and construction will begin soon.
  • Gym Interior Repairs:
    • The project bid closes today, 4/14/15 at 2 p.m. AP will bring color schemes to the next meeting. The work will have to be done around the annual floor refinish.

Prop 39:

  • Site Lighting LED Retrofit:
    • Project was completed 4/13/15 – looks good. LED lights show whiter than the old light.


Facilities Committee Minutes April 14, 2015

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Brock said a Foundation meeting is scheduled for April 16th at the new Welding Facility. He said the outside grounds look good. Inside the shop, 10+ welding booths are set up. They plan to occupy for classes during summer 2015.

Facilities Master Plan Update

Brock is scheduled to work with AP Architects on Friday, 5/15/15 to incorporate our site plan to the Facilities Master Plan.

Sculpture for Library

Brock has been working with the artist creating the sculpture which will be on the ledge in the breezeway from the Library entrance to the Cougar Room.

Mission and Vision Statements in Classrooms

We have been asked to approve a request to post a framed Mission and Vision Statement inside the door of each classroom on campus. The committee has no objections to this request. The President’s office will be notified to proceed.



  • Craig questioned what we need to do to push the shade structure project which was originally designed for the quad
  • Brock met with the City of Taft regarding a grant they received for safe school routes. The #1 item on their list was curbed sidewalk and some landscaping from 10th Street to 6th
  • The Hall of Fame Committee has selected their 1st group of recipients and the plaques will be hung on the back wall of the Cougar Room at this time. The future plan is to identify a building where these plaques can be housed and admired. After this first year – the plan is to award possibly 5 per
  • Plaque update – Ginger’s will be placed where she use to lay. Also remembrance plaques for the front of the library area will be created to take the place of those who were honored with the memorial benches.


(Any handouts from this meeting will be available on the Intranet)

 Respectfully submitted by: Debbie Hegeman
