November 11, 2014 Meeting


Tuesday, November 11, 2014
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Cafeteria Conference Room
1. Review Minutes from October 14, 2014
2. Project Updates
3. Facilities Master Plan
4. Land Acquisition Plan
5. Campus 5 year map
6. Welding Facility
7. Total Cost of Ownership – Student Center
8. Other



Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Members Present:   Adrian Agundez, Brock McMurray, Carla Sandoval, Craig Johnson, Jose Vargas, Kent Miller, Mike Capela, Stacie Rancano and Debbie Hegeman as recorder.

Members Absent: Darcy Bogle, Claudia Casagrande, Mark Williams and Sonja Swenson

  1. Review Minutes from October 14, 2014 October 14, 2014 minutes were approved by consensus after the request to add the Hall of Fame Committee request for a wall to display upcoming Taft College Hall of Fame recipients.
  2. Project Update Report (Jose Vargas, AP Architects)
  3. Projects in Construction:
  • Dorm Modernization The Dorm Modernization project is complete. Contractor is finishing final punch list items within the next few weeks. Owner is coordinating final student occupancy of Phase 2.
  1. Projects at DSA:
  • Student Center: The Division of the State Architect’s office has returned initial plan check review comments. Comments have been reviewed and addressed by AP Architects. DSA plan package is to be resubmitted back to DSA for final plan check by the end of this month (Nov.) Construction is anticipated to start the first quarter of 2015.
  1. Projects in Design:
  • STEM Engineering Buildings: Project design, buildings and site, have been finalized and are being coordinated for DSA review. AP is scheduled to go to DSA this month, for an over-the-counter review process. Upon approval by DSA, the project can begin construction, with modular buildings beginning construction off-site in the Manufacturer’s facilities. Site prep will begin simultaneously. We anticipate construction starting around February of 2015.
  1. Scheduled Maintenance Projects:
  • Infrastructure Upgrade at Alley: AP is working with PG&E to finalize the electrical design at alley.
  • PG&E Electrical Service Upgrade: PG&E is working on contracts in order to complete the PG&E application/Design.


Facilities Committee Minutes

November 11, 2014

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  • Gym HVAC Repairs: AP is working with the Taft College to finalize HVAC unit replacement at the Gym. AP will issue RFP (Request for Proposals) to mechanical contractors for pricing this month.
  • Gym Roof Repairs: AP is finalizing the RFP package to send to roofing contractors for repair work. RFP should be issued this month.
  • Gym Interior Repairs: AP is finalizing the RFP package to send to contractors for interior gym repair work. RFP to be issued this month. Project scope to include interior painting of the gym along with removal and addition of sound boards and ceiling baffles for added sound mitigation
  1. Prop 39:
  • Gym LED Lighting Retrofit: Project is complete
  • HVAC Controls at G-Modular Buildings, Gym and CDC Misc: AP has received pricing from contractors. We are in the process of acquiring College approval in order for contractor to begin scope of work.
  • Site Lighting LED Retrofit: The RFP package is out to Bid. We are schedule to receive bids next week. Scope of work includes retrofit of existing main parking lights to LED.
  1. Projects at the State Pending Funding:
  • Vocation Center: The Vocational Center project is an approved Final Project Proposal (FPP) at the Chancellor’s office. The project consists of 19,878 assignable square feet (ASF); which consists mostly of laboratories and some office space. This project will be considered for funding on the next statewide general obligation bond. The project is extremely competitive and should have a great chance at being funded.
  1. Facilities Master Plan Our current Facilities Master Plan (FMP) was created in 2012. The Plan was created to include updates through 2012 and future plans which would finish out the Measure A funds. A committee has been working to create a Strategic Action Plan (SAP) as a result of the Educational Master Plan (EMP). Section 4.2 found in the EMP Recommendations identifies a number of action items which the Facilities Committee will work closely on in the near future.


  1. Land Acquisition Plan The SAP recommendations request we develop a land acquisition plan to analyze the quality and quantity of current space and future needs as well as identify options and strategies for acquiring financial support.


Facilities Committee Minutes

November 11, 2014

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  1. Campus 5-year Map Jose gave a quick review of the map. The yellow areas are the buildings and land we currently own or occupy and the blue areas indicate what is coming soon which are: (5-Student Center, 9-Vocational building, 28-29-30-The STEM buildings) A large rendering of this map is located in the Administrative Offices if anyone would like to look at it more closely.


  1. Welding Facility Taft College was able to secure a building located in the Industrial Park and has secured a lease with the Beard Family Trust. Some work is being done to properly vent the building for the welding classes and Instruction hopes the building will be ready to have some classes in the 2015 spring semester. (Included on the Intranet is a copy of the document Mark Williams submitted to the GC in September for their approval.)
  2. Total Cost of Ownership – Student Center Jose distributed a draft analysis of the TCO for the Student Union. The purpose of a TCO analysis is to make sure financial planning has included enough funds to cover running the building, updates, maintenance, and future modifications to keep the facility modern.


Respectfully submitted by:


Debbie Hegeman
