February 11, 2014 Meeting


Tuesday, February 11, 2014
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Cafeteria Conference Room
1. Dorm Modernization
2. Student Center
3. STEM Tech Center
4. Future Project Proposals (FPP’s)
5. Other
Next meeting is Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at noon in the Cafeteria Conference room.



Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Members Present: Adrian Agundez, Brock McMurray, Carla Sandoval, Claudia Casagrande, Craig Johnson, Darcy Bogle, Greg Hawkins, Jeff Ross, Mike Capela and Sonja Swenson.

Ad-hoc Member(s): Jose Vargas and Marisa Slayton

Others Present: Debbie Hegeman, recorder

Project Updates:

  1. Dorm Modernization: The Dorm Modernization project began construction the first week of November 2013. The Contractor, Black/Hall Construction, is well underway with construction of the Phase 1 portion of the project being approximately 25% complete. We’d like Phase 1 complete by Spring Break so the Ash Street students can move to Phase 1 area and Phase 2 can begin. The project is expected to be complete by the end of the year.
  2. Student Center: Construction documents were completed and submitted to DSA in December 2013. While at DSA, the project will also be submitted to the local Health Department for food service/kitchen portions of the work. The anticipated construction start date is for the end of December, 2014. The word from DSA is everything looks good and they should begin reviewing the documents during March, 2014. With this time frame, the documents should be back to us by June or July (worst case scenario is we begin the project in early 2015).
  3. STEM Tech Center: The STEM Design Team met earlier today, 2/11/14, as well as representatives from the modular company and AP’s electrical engineer. AP is coordinating the design with all the project consultants. The drawings are approximately 50% complete and then the project will be submitted to DSA for approval. Being a modular structure, the approval process at DSA will most likely take 1 to 2 days. The current anticipated construction start date could be as early as 5 months.
  4. Vocation Center: Brock reminded the committee we have two FPP’s at the chancellor’s office. One was submitted 7 or 8 years ago which would require a 10% match from the District; the second one was recently resubmitted with a change in location and would require only a 2% match. The state isn’t sure if they’re going to use the old project or the new one. If we get awarded from the available funds we will have to do the 10% match. This project would be considered for funding on the statewide general obligation bond which is highly unlikely for 2014. The project is extremely competitive and should have a great chance at being funded.


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Facilities Committee

February 11, 2014


  1. Educational Master Plan The committee met on February 7, 2014 in conjunction with Accreditation. Consultants were present and facilitated the meeting. It was agreed the EMP should be the guide for the Facilities Master Plan. There will be more information shared on campus within the next few months. Currently AP Architects works with the District to propose projects to the state for our needs and projects which will be competitive for funding.
  2. Roof damage: To answer the question related to water damage from the current rain, Mike replied there was some at the gym. According to Mike, this will be the case with a lot of the older buildings. We have problems every year when the first rain falls and he assured the committee Garcia Roofing had already been contacted. Mike reminded the committee that the cost for the Ash Street Dorms roof was approximately $140,000.
  3. Marquee The question was asked if we could afford to replace the marquee, Brock indicated he would forward the discussion to Dena.


Respectfully submitted:

Debbie Hegeman

Next meeting is Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at noon in the Cafeteria Conference room.
