May 13, 2014 Meeting


Tuesday, May 13, 2014
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Cafeteria Conference Room
1. Review Minutes from March 11, 2014
2. Library restructure
3. Dorm Modernization
4. Student Center
5. STEM Engineering Buildings (review the latest design)
6. Shade Structure (quad)
7. Other



Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Members Present:   Brock McMurray, Carla Sandoval, Claudia Casagrande, Craig Johnson, Darcy Bogle, Greg Hawkins, Jeff Ross, Jose Vargas, Marisa Slayton, Mike Capela, Mark Williams and Debbie Hegeman as recorder.

Members Absent: Adrian Agundez, Darcy Bogle and Sonja Swenson.

  1. Minutes from March 11, 2014 – The minutes from March 11, 2014 were approved unanimously as there were no corrections and/or amendments requested.
  2. Library restructure – (Informational item) Mark Williams distributed a drawing identifying the plans to restructure some areas in the Library. Some of the changes are:
  • Revamping the Children’s Library to a classroom to maximize the space usage.
  • Remove the counter currently used for check–in and relocated to the center of the library (proposed combined reference desk and circulation desk).
  • Leave enough open space which could be used for a meeting site to accommodate a large number of people.
  • All changes are to keep in mind the library is first and foremost for the students any other usage approved for the area would need to be when students are not present.
  1. Dorm Modernization – The Dorm Modernization project began construction the first week of November 2013. The contractor, Black/Hall Construction, has completed approximately 80% of the Phase 1 portion of the project. Phase 1 is anticipated to be completed on 5/23/14. Upon completion of Phase 1, the contractor will start Phase 2 on or about May 26th with an anticipated completion date of 10/20/14.
  2. Student Center – The Division of the State Architect’s (DSA) is still reviewing the project for code compliance. The reason DSA has taken so long with this project mostly due to code changes. We submitted our plans before the code changed and with the new codes in effect, DSA is behind on their reviews. The current anticipated construction start date continues to be the end of fourth quarter 2014 pending completion of the Dorm project.
  3. STEM Engineering Buildings – This project is going to follow the bid process of Lease Leaseback instead of the traditional public bid process. We are currently working with Legal to develop the necessary “Request for Qualifications” in order to ascertain a contractor to perform this project. Once the College has selected a contractor, the construction documents can then be finalized for DSA approval. Upon plans being approved by DSA, the selected contractor will then provide proposals for the scope of work. We will work with the selected contractor to determine final cost and schedule.


Facilities Committee Minutes

May 13, 2014

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  1. Shade Structure (quad) – There has been a request to revisit the idea of shade structures. The quad is being utilized more from several groups on campus and suggestions made are to see what the cost would be to have something coming out from the back of the stage area in the quad. Brock explained the shade structure issue has been tied to several projects. The problem is not having the money to accommodate such an expense unless it is tied to one of the projects. This committee has been asked to look at this issue again and take into consideration what could be done in the meantime as we wait on the new Student Center.
  2. Other
  • Infrastructure Upgrade at Alley (Scheduled Maintenance Projects): The College has received scheduled maintenance funds from the Chancellor’s Office at a 1 to 1 match, creating approximately an overall project of $200,000; which is to be spent by June 2015. In looking at existing campus needs and future projects, the most appropriate use of these funds has been determined to be an upgrade and retrofit of the utilities and chiller lines down the alley behind the Science building. The lines will tie from the chiller to the new Student Center location (Old TIL Administration and T Dorms). New fencing and painting along alley are being planned as funds allow.
  • Vocation Center: (Projects at the State Pending funding) The Vocation Center project is an approved Final Project Proposal (FPP at the Chancellor’s office. The project consists of 19,878 assignable square feet (ASF); which consist mostly of laboratories and some office space. This project will be considered for funding on the next statewide general obligation bond. The project is extremely competitive and should have a great chance at being funded. If there is bond language on the November ballot it would help to fund some of our projects.
  • Memorial Area on Campus: The issue was raised concerning the memorial areas which were on campus before some of the construction projects began on campus. These areas were marked by benches in names of some of our faculty and staff who have since passed on. The committee has been asked to check on the benches removed and look for a space on campus to perhaps display or recognize them.
  • Trophy Case: Craig Johnson reminded the committee of the trophy case which used to be on the outside of the Science Building. He has all the items secure which were in those old trophy cases and has asked this committee to identify a place where they can be displayed once again.
  • Educational Master Plan: Brock reminded the committee the Educational Master Plan was approved by the GC at the last Governance Council meeting and recommended we review it. There is much information related to FTE’s and how it comes into play when planning for new facilities and/or upgrades.


Respectfully submitted by:


Debbie Hegeman
