October 19, 2020 Meeting


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee



Monday October 19, 2020

2:30 pm – 4:00 pm


Via Zoom



Call to Order


Public Commentary


Action Items


  1. Approval of October 12, 2020 Minutes ACTION



Old Business



New Business


  1. Emergency Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION

BIOL 1510

BIOL 1513

BIOL 2201

BIOL 2202

BIOL 2203

BIOL 2250

BIOL 2257

BIOL 2260

CHEM 1510

CHEM 1520

CHEM 2211

CHEM 2212

ENGR 1500

ENGR 1510

ENGR 1540

ENGR 1550

ENGR 2000

ENGR 2200

ENGR 2300

ESCI 1520

GEOL 1501

PHYS 2221

PHYS 2222

PHYS 2223

PSCI 1520


  1. Traditional Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION

ART 1610

ART 1631

ART 2010

PHED 1649


Discussion Items








Next Meeting: November 9, 2020 (12:10 pm – 1:00 pm) via Zoom


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee




Monday, October 19, 2020, 2:30-4:00 (Emergency/Additional Meeting)


Via Zoom


Call to Order: A. Bledsoe, 2:31 pm


Attendees: Amar Abbott, Marianne C. Bishop (non-voting), Adam Bledsoe, Jill Brown, Geoffrey Dyer, Chris Flachmann, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Leslie Minor (non-voting), Jason Page, Joy Reynolds


Absent: Nicole Avina, Robin Polski, Brandy Young


Public Commentary: None




  • October 12, 2020 Minutes submitted by M. Bishop
  • Minutes adopted by unanimous consent


Action Items Discussion


  • Bledsoe thanked everyone for attending the emergency meeting to review additional courses for the Curriculum and General Education (CGE) Committee to deliberate as the Distance Learning and Education (DLE) Committee tries to expedite approvals for emergency distance education courses.


  • Bledsoe mentioned that Division Chair M. Mayfield reached out to him about the forms having similar responses and that the responses have been reviewed by faculty.


  • Bledsoe suggested to rearrange the agenda. J. Reynolds motioned to group some of the courses together for easier review and discussion.  K. Kulzer-Reyes did a second and after roll-call motion passed.


  • There were 25 Emergency Distance Learning Approval Forms submitted and four traditional Distance Education Approval Forms.


  • The emergency forms were grouped with the results below from the committee discussion:


  • BIOL 1510, BIOL 1513, BIOL 2201, BIOL 2202 and BIOL 2203 : Various committee members made motions with seconds and roll-calls were made to forward these courses to the Curriculum and General Education Committee. There was an additional note from the Distance Learning and Education Committee to the CGE Committee to have Division Chair M. Mikefield elaborate on how field trips will be addressed in a distance education format for these courses.


  • BIOL 2250, BIOL 2257, BIOL 2260, CHEM 1510, CHEM 1520, CHEM 2211, CHEM 2212, ESCI 1520, GEOL 1501, PHYS 2221, PHYS 2222, PHYS 2223, PSCI 1520, ENGR 1500, ENGR 1510, ENGR 1540 and ENGR 2300 : Various committee members made motions with seconds and roll-calls were made to forward these courses to the Curriculum and General Education (CGE) Committee for approval.


  • ENGR 1550 and ENGR 2000: Various committee members made motions with seconds and roll-calls were made to forward these courses to the CGE Committee. There was an additional note from the DLE Committee to the CGE Committee to have Division Chair M. Mikefield elaborate on how field trips and guest speakers will be addressed in a distance education format for these courses.


  • ENGR 2200: J. Reynolds motioned to forward the course to the CGE Committee with an additional note from the DLE Committee to the CGE Committee to have Division Chair M. Mikefield elaborate on how the third method of instruction, i.e., individual and group projects with emphasis on in-class exercises with experimental equipment including data acquisition and analysis, will be addressed in a distance education format. Kulzer-Reyes did a second.  After roll-call, motion passed.


  • The traditional forms were discussed.


  • ART 1610, ART 1631, ART 2010 and PHED 1649: Various committee members made motions with seconds and roll-calls were made to forward these courses to the CGE Committee for approval.


  • For ART 1631, K. Kulzer-Reyes made a motion to add a note as part of the recommendation by the DLE Committee to the CGE Committee for this course to be approved as a distance education course. Suggestion for note: They can use themselves as the model, or their partners, or family members. Just like if students were in a classroom, they would be looking at their own foot, their hands, or they would be doing a self-portrait of their facial features, for example. Additionally, faculty could choose images from websites and elsewhere and upload them in the Canvas module. 





  • Bledsoe moved to adjourn meeting : adjourned at 3:40 pm