May 11, 2020 Meeting
Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee
Monday May 11, 2020
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 977-0765-4989
Call to Order
Public Commentary
Action Items
- Approval of May 7, 2020 Minutes ACTION
Information Items
- None
Old Business
- None
New Business
- Emergency Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
- Biology
- BIOL 1510
- BIOL 2201
- Biology
- BIOL 2202
- BIOL 2250
- BIOL 2257
- BIOL 2260
- Chemistry
- CHEM 1510
- CHEM 1520
- CHEM 2211
- CHEM 2212
- Dental Hygiene
- DNTL 1510
- DNTL 1511
- DNTL 1512
- DNTL 1513
- DNTL 1514
- DNTL 2130
- DNTL 2131
- DNTL 2132
- DNTL 2133
- DNTL 2134
- DNTL 2135
- Earth Science
- ESCI 1520
- Health Education
- HLED 1531
- HLED 1535
- Math
- MATH 2140
- Physical Education
- PHED 1523
- PHED 1539
- PHED 1623
- PHED 1646
- PHED 1723
- PHED 1823
- PHED 2146
- Physical Education – Only seeking hybrid delivery approval
- PHED 1508
- PHED 1509
- PHED 1510
- PHED 1511
- PHED 1524
- PHED 1528
- PHED 1535
- PHED 1542
- PHED 1724
- PHED 1728
- PHED 1734
- PHED 1735
- PHED 1742
- PHED 2508
- PHED 2509
- PHED 2510
- PHED 2511
- Physics
- PHYS 2221
- PHSY 2223
- Psychology
- PSYC 2050
- Work Experience
- WKEX 1014
Discussion Items
- None
Next Meeting: May 18, 2020 at 2:00 PM
Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee
Monday May 11, 2020
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Via Zoom
Call to Order: Bledsoe, 12:01 pm
In Attendance: Amar Abbott, Nicole Avina, Marianne Bishop, Adam Bledsoe, Christopher Chung-Wee, Geoffrey Dyer, Chris Flachmann, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Steven McDaniel, Joy Reynolds, Brandy Young
Public Commentary: None
Action Items
- Approval of Minutes
- May 7, 2020 minutes
- Minutes adopted by unanimous consent
- May 7, 2020 minutes
Information Items
- None
Old Business
- None
- Kulzer-Reyes motioned to reorder the agenda placing the following courses at the beginning
of the discussion as they have addressed how the course will taught in an online or
hybrid format:
- DNTL 1510
- DNTL 1512
- DNTL 1513
- MATH 2140
- All PHED
- Abbott seconded.
- Motion passed unanimously.
New Business
- Emergency Distance Learning Approval Forms
- Dental Hygiene
- DNTL 1510
- DNTL 1512
- DNTL 1513
- Motion to bundle DNTL 1510, 1512 & 1513 and forward to Curriculum: Kulzer-Reyes.
- Second: Abbott.
- Motion passed.
- Math
- MATH 2140
- Motion to forward to Curriculum: Kulzer-Reyes.
- Second: Dyer.
- Motion passed.
- Physical Education
- PHED 1508
- PHED 1509
- PHED 1510
- PHED 1511
- PHED 1523
- PHED 1539
- PHED 1524
- PHED 1528
- PHED 1535
- PHED 1542
- PHED 1623
- PHED 1646
- PHED 1723
- PHED 1724
- PHED 1728
- PHED 1734
- PHED 1735
- PHED 1742
- PHED 1823
- PHED 2146
- PHED 2508
- PHED 2509
- PHED 2510
- PHED 2511
- Motion to bundle PHED courses and forward to Curriculum with recommendation that all are approved for online and hybrid delivery only. Additionally, committee recommends PHED 2146 should have a note added to schedule that the course will require an individual to practice taping on: Kulzer-Reyes.
- Second: Dyer.
- Motion passed.
- Biology
- BIOL 1510
- BIOL 2201
- BIOL 2202
- BIOL 2250
- BIOL 2257
- BIOL 2260
- Motion to bundle BIOL courses and return to faculty with the request to include clarification on how the labs will be addressed in the distance education format with the explanation that these forms are added to the COR: Kulzer-Reyes.
- Second: Flachmann.
- Motion passed.
- Chemistry
- CHEM 1510
- CHEM 1520
- CHEM 2211
- CHEM 2212
- Motion to bundle CHEM courses and return to faculty with the request to include clarification on how the labs will be addressed in the distance education format with the explanation that these forms are added to the COR: Kulzer-Reyes.
- Second: Flachmann.
- Motion passed.
- Dental Hygiene
- DNTL 1511
- Motion to forward to Curriculum with a notation that it appears appropriate in a hybrid format, not fully online: Kulzer-Reyes.
- Second: Abbott.
- Motion passed.
- Dental Hygiene
- DNTL 1514
- DNTL 2130
- DNTL 2131
- DNTL 2132
- DNTL 2133
- DNTL 2134
- DNTL 2135
- Motion to bundle remaining DNTL courses and return to faculty with the observation that DNTL is not requesting distance education approval for DNTL 1514, 2130, 2131, 2132, 2133, 2134, 2135 as these courses are not appropriate to teach in this format: Kulzer-Reyes.
- Second: Flachmann.
- Motion passed (Reynolds and McDaniel abstain).
- Earth Science
- ESCI 1520
- Motion to return to faculty with the request to include clarification on how the labs will be addressed in the distance education format with the explanation that these forms are added to the COR: Kulzer-Reyes.
- Second: Abbott.
- Motion passed.
- Health Education
- HLED 1531
- HLED 1535
- Motion to bundle HLED courses and return to faculty with the request to include how the skill demonstration will be addressed in the distance education format with the explanation that these forms are added to the COR: Kulzer-Reyes.
- Second: Reynolds.
- Motion passed.
- Physics
- PHYS 2221
- PHSY 2223
- Motion to bundle PHYS courses and return to faculty with the request to include clarification on how the labs will be addressed in the distance education format with the explanation that these forms are added to the COR: Kulzer-Reyes.
- Second: Flachmann.
- Motion passed.
- Psychology
- PSYC 2050
- Motion to forward to Curriculum: Kulzer-Reyes.
- Second: Abbott.
- Motion passed.
- Work Experience
- WKEX 1014
- Motion to return to faculty with the request to include clarification on how the supervised work experience will take place and a citation for which guideline from the Chancellor states that districts may substitute approved alternatives to “in person consultations”: Kulzer-Reyes.
- Second: Abbott.
- Motion passed.
Other: None
Adjournment: 1:27 pm