December 20, 2020 Meeting


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee

Monday December 14, 2020
12:10 pm – 1:00 pm

Via Zoom

Call to Order
Public Commentary

Action Items
1. Approval of November 9, 2020 Minutes ACTION

Old Business
2. Emergency Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
a. CTRP 1010
b. CTRP 1090
3. Traditional Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
a. ASTR 1511
b. BSAD 2220
c. BUSN 1050
d. BUSN 1059
e. CTRP 1070
f. CTRP 1210
g. ENER 1503
h. PHED 1523
i. PHED 1623
j. PHED 1723
k. PHED 1823

New Business
4. Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
a. ENER 1510

Discussion Items
5. Updates to Distance Learning Approval Forms DISCUSSION
6. LTIs and Apps in Canvas DISCUSSION
7. Committee Goals for 2020-2021 DISCUSSION

Next Meeting: TBA


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee




Monday, December 14, 2020, 12:10-1:00 pm


Via Zoom


Call to Order: A. Bledsoe, 12:11 pm


Attendees: Amar Abbott, Marianne C. Bishop (non-voting), Adam Bledsoe, Geoffrey Dyer, Chris Flachmann, Leslie Minor (non-voting), Jason Page, Robin Polski, Joy Reynolds, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes and Brandy Young


Absent: None


Public Commentary: None




  • November 9, 2020 Minutes were submitted by M. Bishop.
  • Kulzer-Reyes inquired what the appropriate terminology was for the individuals our dental hygiene students serve, whether it was “clients” or “patients.” After some discussion, it was noted that “clients” was an acceptable use of the term.
  • Kulzer-Reyes noted the typo on p. 2 – “They’s” should be changed to “They are [using all hand-scaling tools.]”
  • Dyer motioned to approve the minutes with the correction of the typo. A. Abbott seconded. During roll-call, K. Kulzer-Reyes abstained since she was not at the meeting.   After roll-call, motion passed.


Old Business Discussion


  • Emergency Distance Learning Approval Forms


CTRP Courses


  • CTRP 1010 and CTRP 1090: A. Abott motioned to forward the forms to Curriculum and General Education Committee to be eligible to be offered in an online format. K. Kulzer-Reyes seconded. After roll-call, motion passed unanimously.


  • Traditional Distance Learning Approval Forms




  • ASTR 1511: Dave Reynolds was invited to the meeting to clarify how labs were going to be performed in the course, in addition to what was stated in the form.
  • After discussion, K. Kulzer-Reyes motioned to forward the form to Curriculum to be eligible to be offered in an online format. G. Dyer seconded. After roll-call, motion passed unanimously.




  • BSAD 2220: J. Reynolds motioned to forward the form to Curriculum to be eligible to be offered in an online format. K. Kulzer-Reyes seconded. After roll-call, motion passed unanimously.




  • BUSN 1050: J. Reynolds motioned to forward the form to Curriculum to be eligible to be offered in an online format. K. Kulzer-Reyes seconded. After roll-call, motion passed unanimously.
  • BUSN 1059: K. Kulzer-Reyes motioned to forward the form to Curriculum to be eligible to be offered in an online format. G. Dyer seconded. After roll-call, motion passed unanimously.




  • CTRP 1070: K. Kulzer-Reyes motioned to forward the form to Curriculum to be eligble to be offered in an online format. G. Dyer seconded. After roll-call, motion passed unanimously.


  • CTRP 1210: In the form, G. Shaw checked that “Course is appropriate for all three methods of delivery (no explanation needed).” The Committee would like to know more about how this course could be offered offline to our inmate-students at the Modified Community Correctional Facility (MCCF).
  • For CTRP 1210: K. Kulzer-Reyes motioned to return the form to G. Shaw for clarification. A. Abbott seconded. After roll-call, motion passed unanimously.




  • ENER 1503: In the form, Terry Davis checked that the “course is appropriate for all three methods of delivery” and also that “the course is not appropriate for offline delivery.” This could have been an oversight.
  • Also, the Committee asked to clarify what he meant regarding the learning activities required outside of class and the methods of instruction/evaluation listed in the COR.
  • Bledsoe offered to email T. Davis for clarification.
  • ENER 1503: K. Kulzer-Reyes motioned to forward the form to Curriculum to be eligible to be offered in an online format after clarification from T. Davis Abott seconded.  After roll-call, motion passed unanimously.
  • Note: After the meeting, A. Bledsoe emailed T. Davis. His response was:

“I had inadvertently checked ‘all three’ methods on the form, I thought that had already been corrected, at any rate you are correct, I meant to only check that it is not appropriate for offline delivery.”  Additionally, T. Davis noted that “Workgroups and presentations will be conducted on zoom and presented to myself and the rest of the class. Field trips will be conducted virtually.”

These notes were included in the form submitted to Curriculum.




  • PHED 1523, 1623, 1723 and 1823: K. Kulzer-Reyes motioned to forward the forms to Curriculum. G. Dyer seconded. After roll-call, motion passed unanimously.


New Business Discussion


  • ENER 1510: The Committee sought clarification regarding how field trips to Kern County alternative energy operations can be accommodated in an online environment. Also, how guest lecture presentations from energy company representatives could take place in an online environment.
  • Bledsoe offered to contact T. Davis.
  • Dyer motioned to forward the form to Curriculum to be eligible to be offered in an online format with the recommendation that the faculty address these issues. C. Flachmann seconded.  J. Reynolds abstained.  After roll-call, motion passed.
  • Note: After the meeting, A. Bledsoe emailed T. Davis. His response was:

“Field trips will be conducted virtually in coordination with renewable energy companies (information/photos provided by the companies, google earth and government sources of information). Guest lecturers will be conducted on zoom in our classroom environment or pre-recorded and played for the class.”

These notes were included in the form submitted to Curriculum.


Discussion Items


  • Due to lack of time, Committee tabled the discussion on the topics below. A. Bledsoe suggested to resume discussion at the January In-Service meeting.
  • Updates to Distance Learning Approval Forms
  • LTIs and Apps in Canvas
  • Committee Goals for 2020-2021


  • Before adjournment, L. Minor inquired if there was any other course on the spring schedule that were meant to be offered online but were not discussed. Reynolds and G. Dyer mentioned that Math and English courses respectively were already discussed.  A. Bledsoe noted Committee has discussed them based on his DL&E forms spreadsheet.


  • Reynolds inquired about Proctorio. L. Minor mentioned that purchasing it for use in the spring semester will be discussed by the Board at the January meeting.  The price will increase significantly and Taft College might not be able to afford it.  Respondus LockDown Browser with Monitor is an option to be explored further.




  • Bledsoe moved to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 1:10 pm.