October 15, 2021 Meeting


Access Committee Agenda

Committee members: Leslie Minor, Joe’ll Chaidez, Shelley Getty, David Mitchell, Tiffany Payne, Kyle Webster

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout

  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Student Survey Questions
  3. Committee Evaluation
  4. Other


Access Committee Minutes

Committee members present: Leslie Minor, Joe’ll Chaidez, Shelley Getty, David Mitchell, Kyle Webster

Guest: Damon Bell

Recorder: Leslie Minor

  • Approval of Minutes from Sept.
  • Student Survey Questions: The committee went through the survey to identify possible edits. The goal is to clarify questions from last year without making significant changes to the survey. This will allow last year’s survey to serve as a baseline for future surveys. Suggested edits and changes are found in red on the student survey draft provided to the committee.
  • Committee Evaluation: Completed. Leslie will submit this as completed.
  • Other: Follow-up with Myisha on student to join Access Committee – she will find out if any students are interested and available.