January 12, 2021 Meeting


Committee members: Leslie Minor, Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, James May, Windy Martinez, David Mitchell, Tiffany Payne, Kyle Webster

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout

  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Define process/definition of role on the Access committee with Curriculum processes – new and discontinued programs.
  3. Student Success Data – Windy Martinez
  4. Social Media Presence – Susan Groveman


Access Committee



Attendees: Leslie Minor, Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, James May, David Mitchell, Tiffany Payne, Kyle Webster

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout

  • Approval of Minutes

A few spelling mistakes were corrected, and the group approved the minutes by consensus.

  • Define process/definition of role on the Access committee with Curriculum processes – new and discontinued programs.

The group discussed the history of this item being a part of the Access Committee’s charter. The group agreed that when a new or discontinued program is brought forward to the group, the group will discuss and provide feedback.

Student Success Data – Windy Martinez

This item was tabled until the February meeting as Windy was unable to attend.

  1. Social Media Presence – Susan Groveman

Susan presented Taft College’s social media marketing strategy. She reviewed the components of the strategy as well as sample announcements/social media posts.

Other: February’s meeting agenda will include student success data presented by Windy Martinez and discussion of the student survey results and any ideas for actions.
