December 20, 2021 Meeting


Committee members: Leslie Minor, Joe’ll Chaidez, Shelley Getty, David Mitchell, Tiffany Payne, Kyle Webster

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout

  1. Approval of Minutes
  1. IR data & meeting Access Committee Goals


Committee Members Present: Leslie Minor, Joe’ll Chaidez, Shelley Getty, David Mitchell, Tiffany Payne, Kyle Webster

Guests: Kystal Allikas, Xiaohong Li

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout

  1. Approval of Minutes

The group reviewed and approved November’s meeting minutes.

  1. IR data & meeting Access Committee Goals

Shelley Getty shared a Sankey diagram that was created by the RP Group regarding high school students’ math class patterns. Xiaohong and Krystal from the IR office were guests in the meeting to discuss creating a Sankey diagram using Taft College data to see where students come from (high school) and track them for 2-4 years. The group went over some parameters that they would like to look at. Those include: feeder schools, fulltime/part status, 1st year math/English, 1 year success, 2nd year fulltime/part-time, 2nd year math/English, 2nd year success. The group would like the data in the Spring semester to review it.

Xiaohong shared that she had previously created a report for Vicki Jacobi for TUHS students, but she could expand the report to include all students. This expanded report may answer some of the questions the group has regarding feeder schools. Xiaohong also shared AB 705 & 1805 reports that are completed and posted on the website if the group wants to look at the those reports as well. Xiaohong also shared that tableau is almost ready to be used, but data still needs to be verified/cleaned up.
