April 27, 2021 Meeting


Access Committee


Committee members: Leslie Minor, Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, James May, Windy Martinez, David Mitchell, Tiffany Payne, Kyle Webster

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout

  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Work on SEMP
  3. Other



Attendees: Leslie Minor, Candace Duron, Shelley Getty, James May, Windy Martinez, David Mitchell, Tiffany Payne, Kyle Webster

Guests: Jessica Grimes, Vicki Jacobi, Amar Abbott, Darcy Bogle

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout

  1. Approval of Minutes

The minutes were approved by consensus.

  1. Work on SEMP

Members of Guided Pathways committee attended today’s meeting. Leslie reviewed the Access Committee’s goal of developing a strategic enrollment management plan (SEMP) that is aligned with the Guided Pathways framework. She reviewed the work of the Access Committee: reviewing pillars 1 & 2 and notating what the College has done as well as barriers. Members of the Guided Pathways committee recommended that the committee look at the scale of adoption – which is what has been implemented and what is planned in regards to Guided Pathways. Each year it is reviewed and updated. Discussion was held regarding different groups on campus who may have input in the SEMP.

The group reviewed pillar 3 (retention and persistence) and notes were taken on the Guided Pathways & Strategic Enrollment Management Integration Worksheet.
