November 17, 2021 Meeting




Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Cougar Room

12:10PM TO 1:00PM

Call to Order

Public Comment

Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval October 20, 2021 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION

Informational Items:

  1. NONE


  1. ASCCC Fall Plenary Nov 4-6, 2021 UPDATE

Old Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. Faculty Professional Development Committee Charter ACTION

Forward to Academic Senate of the Whole with recommendation to approve.

New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole

  1. Process for Documentation and Revision of Disciplines and Minimum Qualifications ACTION

Issues: There is no documented list of disciplines and local modifications to minimum qualifications in use at Taft College, particularly in CTE areas.

Associated issue:  Impacts FSA determinations, consistency in verification of qualification for assignment to courses (CTE); consistency in application of locally determined minimum qualification for hiring and/or course assignment; documentation of dates including date when modification was adopted, frequency of review for revision.

No documented process for review and vetting of proposed modifications to minimum qualifications (discipline list).

Associated issue: Consistency in process; public hearing on locally determined additions/modifications to minimum qualifications, particularly in CTE discipline.

Other Announcements



