August 20, 2021 Meeting





Cougar Room

11:10AM to 1PM


Call to Order

Roll Call (3-minutes)

Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes May 3, 2021 Meeting (2 minutes) ACTION

Information Items

  1. Superintendent/President Update (5 minutes) INFORMATION
  2. ACCJC Site-visit – Virtual, Sept 27-30 Preparations and what to expect INFORMATION
    1. Standing committee chairs: Verify committee website postings of agenda and minutes from last year!
  3. Updates:
    1. Positions open through Resignation/Retirements are addressed through the defined process
    2. Brown Act Training August 20th at 1:10PM. Chairs of Academic Senate Standing Committees should attend.
    3. Dual Enrollment/Concurrent Enrollment update: TC courses now being provided on TUHS campus
  4. Taft College Centennial Committee being formed now. Celebration begins August 2022!!!!
  5. Status update for Academic Senate Recommendations on Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism, and Inclusivity INFORMATION
  6. Review of Academic Senate purview: 10 +1 INFORMATION
  7. Introduction of Academic Senate officers and representatives: INFORMATION

President; Sharyn Eveland

Vice President: Vicki Jacobi

Secretary: Amar Abbott

Senate Past President: Geoffrey Dyer


Allied Health & Applied Technology: Kanoe Bandy

English Language Arts: Bill Devine

Business, Arts, and Humanities: Lori Travis

Math/Science: Greg Golling

Learning Support Division: Joe’ll Chaidez

Social Science: Jennifer Altenhofel

ASCCC Liaisons:

Legislative Liaison Kelly Kulzer

OER/OEI Liaison: Michelle Oja

CTE Liaison TBD


Academic Senate Standing Committee Chairs:


ADC: Lori Sundgren


Curr&GE: Vicki Jacobi and VPI Leslie Minor

DLE: Adam Bledsoe

Dual Enrollment: Greg Golling

Faculty Professional Development: Ruby Payne

SLOASC: Tina Mendoza


Action Items


  1. Taft College Academic Senate 2-Year Goals ACTION


Information/Discussion Items                                                                               NO ACTION

  1. Sabbatical Conclusion Report: Michelle Oja REPORT
  2. Committee Report: Faculty Professional Development Alignment of In-Service Sessions with Academic Senate Recommendation #2 REPORT

“… anti-racism education related topics be included as flex opportunities, including in-service activities or individual flex activities, for TC faculty on an ongoing basis.”

  1. Committee Report: Academic Development Committee DISCUSSION

Initial report on AB 705 impact on student success, retention, persistence, completion. Institutionalization of Guided Pathways activities and possible recommendations for new/modified student success support.

  1. Committees: Types, Purpose, & Roles and the Academic Senate 10+1 DISCUSSION
  2. Requests for Reports – Committee Reports: – September DISCUSSION

On what should committee report(s) focus?

  1. Other Topics of Interest Q&A (5 minutes) DISCUSSION

Open Forum for Announcements                                                                          NO ACTION





FRIDAY, August 20, 2021

11:10 AM to 1 PM

Cougar Room

Taft College

Call to Order:

11:01 AM   General welcome to face to face meeting of the new academic year by

President Eveland.

Attendees: M. Beasley, P. Blake, A. Bledsoe, N, Cahoon, K. Carlson, B. Devine, G. Dyer, S. Eveland, S. Getty, G. Golling, L. Gonzalez, V. Jacobi, D. Jones, D. Kerr, J. Mendenhall, T. Mendoza, D. Mitchell, M. Oja, J. Page, R. Payne, R. Polski, J. Rangel-Escobedo, D. Rodenhauser, L. Sundgren, C. Taylor, L. Travis, and K. Webster.

Guests: D. Daniels, M. Bishop, L. Minor, B. Colaw, J. Grimes, and B. Young

Public Commentary:


Action Items:

  1. Approval of Minutes from May 3, 2021-accepted as presented, unanimous consent.

Informational Items:

  1. Superintendent/ President Update
  2. Welcome to in-service, being back on campus with students, convocation with guest speaker, vice presidents’ presentation will be recorded, but not guest speaker, all to attend.
  3. New student center ribbon cutting later in week. Student center has few technical issues but finally open since starting in 2014.  Making some changes due to law changes in 2020, i.e. lactation room (will remain in old building behind where assessment center was), mail room now in student center.
  4. Oct 7th Cougar Cookout honoring Fred and Barbara Holmes.
  5. Hiring Covid Contact Tracer By next week, COVID link
  6. Questions—no questions
  7. ACCJC Site-Visit-Virtual, September 27 – 30, Senators may get contacted about meeting with the visiting team; all sub committees of Academic Senate need to make sure all documentations, agendas and minutes on website in appropriate places on page of the Academic Senate; chairs are responsible to ensure this is done, ask Jason for assistance.
  8. Updates:
  9. Positions open through resignations/retirements are addressed through defined process through Senate to President to divisions discuss if need changes in faculty positions.
  10. Brown Act training August 20th at 1:10 Basics presented by Ginni May, Vice President of Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) and Manual Vélez, representative from ASCCC, chairs of standing committee should attend. R. Payne asked what are the standing committees? Response Senate Council, Academic Development Committee, Academic Policies and Procedures, Career Technical Education, General Education and Curriculum Committee, Dual Enrollment, Distance Learning Education, Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee, and Faculty Professional Development.
  11. Dual Enrollment and concurrent enrollment MOU to now include teaching on Taft Union High School’s campus, voluntary assignment.
  12. Taft College’s Centennial Committee being formed. Encouraged to participate
  13. Academic Senate’s recommendations of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion should be discussed in review of subcommittee’s charters.
  14. review 10 + 1
  15. Introduction of Academic Senate Officers and Division Representatives

President-Sharyn Eveland, Vice President -Vicki Jacobi, Secretary-Amar Abbott (currently working remotely), Past-President-Geoffrey Dyer.

Division Representatives:  Allied Health and Applied Technology-Kanoe Bandy, English Language Arts-Bill Devine, Business, arts & Humanities-Lori Travis, Math/Science-Greg Golling, Learning Support-Joe’ll Chaidez, Social Sciences-Jennifer Altenhofel.

ASCCC Liaisons-Need Legislative Liaison, OER/OEI-Michelle Oja, CTE –was Mike Jiles, this is an elected position so will be on next agenda and vote in October.

Standing Committee Chairs:  AP&P- interim Sharyn Eveland

ADC-Lori Sundgren

CTE: Interim Sharyn Eveland

DLE: Adam Bledsoe

Dual Enrollment: Greg Golling

Faculty Professional Development: Fall Diane Jones and Spring Ruby Payne if charter allows splitting the year.

SLOASC: Tina Mendoza

Action Item:

  1. Taft College Academic Senate Two Year Goals
  • Increasing and promoting leadership development of faculty members and roles associated with 10+1 areas
  • Ensuring centralization of focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Improving partnership with local K – 12 feeder schools
  • Developing collaborative relationship with associated student organization to include student representation on all appropriate Academic Senate Standing Committees

Goals would be the guidelines for the work of the Senate and Standing Committees.  Devine—not all standing committees would work on all the goals, some are more appropriate to specific standing committees. Oja—Are the goals part of the Strategic Action Plan (SAP) or Senate only?—Response–aligned with SAP but owned by the Senate.

Motion: 1st Oja, 2nd Devine No further discussion, all Yeses with one abstention – Mendoza.

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Sabbatical Conclusion Report: Michelle Oja—outlined the process and contract
  2. Committee Report: Faculty Professional Development – R. Payne–Aligned with Academic Senate recommendation regarding anti racism—May in service track for DEI.

12.Committee Report: Academic Development Committee—L. Sundgren—AB 705 power point including information from Guided Pathways Dashboard.  Recommendation of embedded tutor, writing lab personnel full time.

  1. Committees: Types, purpose & Roles AS 10 + 1 Not every senator serves on subcommittees of the Academic Senate; 10 +1 still applies. Eveland noted – In the same way union members point out or refer to the contract in meetings and discussions, we need to align responses and actions with 10 +1 on any topic or issue under discussion in committees or other meetings.  Refer to Board Policies 2510 and 4024, Administrative Procedures 2510 and 4024. {*Annotated 10 +1 list provided in meeting packet and as addendum to minutes.}

14: Requests for reports—Next meeting is September 13th, let Sharyn know if you want any.  Standing committee reports.

  1. Other Topics—None

Open Forum for Announcements:

  1. Payne—Campus Security out of TIL and now in back side of Student Center building.


Motion-1st–D. Jones, 2nd-M. Beasley—all in favor, Adjourned 1:01 PM


Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Jacobi

Interim Secretary

Vice President Academic Senate





THE 10+1 (Annotated*)

Title 5 §53200 (b): Academic Senate means an organization whose primary function is to make recommendations with respect to academic and professional matters.  Section 53200 (c) “Academic and professional matter” means the following policy development and implementation matters:

  1. Curriculum including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines (Rely Primarily On)
  2. Degree and certificate requirements (Rely Primarily On)
  3. Grading policies (Rely Primarily On)
  4. Educational program development (By Mutual Consent – new programs)
  5. Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success (By Mutual Consent)
  6. District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles (By Mutual Consent)
  7. Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports (By Mutual Consent)
  8. Policies for faculty professional development activities (Rely Primarily On)
  9. Processes for program review (By Mutual Consent)
  10. Processes for institutional planning and budget development (By Mutual Consent)
  11. Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the governing board and the academic senate (By Mutual Consent)
    1. Student Learning Outcomes** (By Mutual Consent)


*BP 2510 dated 2015_03_20; AP 2510 dated 2020_07_22

**see BP 4024 dated 2016_10_24 and AP 4024 2016_09_20
