May 03, 2021 Meeting




MONDAY, May 3, 2021

12:10PM TO 1PM



Call to Order

Roll Call (3-minutes)

Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes April 5, 2021 Meeting (2 min) ACTION

Information Items

  1. Superintendent/President Update (5 minutes) INFORMATION
  2. Status update for Academic Senate (1 min) INFORMATION

Action Items

  1. ACCJC Taft College Institutional Self-Evaluation Study (ISER) – Approval Recommendation to Board of Trustees (2 min) ACTION
  2. Recommendation of Approval for Dual Enrollment Course Offerings WKCCD/TUHS 2021-22 MOU (3 min) ACTION
  3. AP 7211 – Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications, and Equivalencies (3 min) ACTION
  4. Distance Education Accessibility Plan (A. Bledsoe) (3 min) ACTION

Information/Discussion Items                                                                               NO ACTION

  1. Strategic Action Plan Indicator Update 2019-2020 (X. Li) (3 min) Report
  2. Strategic Action Plan 2021-2024 – Highlights (X. Li) (3 min) Information
  3. Resource Allocations Impact Update from 2018-19 as documented in 2020 (X. Li)(3 min) Information
  4. Committee Report: Curriculum & GE Progress on Senate Recommendation #5 (V. Jacobi)(3 min) Information

Recommendation #5: Evaluation and discussion of all courses’ “diversity of representation and culturally responsive content” as part of regular curriculum review.

  1. Committee Report: Faculty Professional Development Progress on Senate Recommendation #2 (R. Payne)(3 min) Report

Progress on Recommendation #2 – …anti-racism education related topics be included as flex opportunities, including in-service activities or individual flex activities, for TC faculty on an ongoing basis.

  1. AB 705 State Report Overview for Taft College (X. Li)(3 min) DISCUSSION
  2. ASCCC Leadership Academy – An Adjunct’s Experience (R. Clemmons)(5 min) Report
  3. Committee report: Distance Learning & Education (A. Bledsoe)(3 min) Report

 Open Forum for Announcements                                                                          NO ACTION


 Next meeting tentatively scheduled for Friday August 21, 2021 from 11AM to 1PM




MONDAY, May 3, 2021

12:10 PM TO 1PM




Call to Order 12:10 pm


Roll Call (3-minutes)

Guests: Dr. Daniels, Dr. Minor, Dr. Grimes, Xiaohong Li, Dr. Bishop

Public Commentary Action Items


  1. Approval of Minutes April 5, 2021 Meeting (2 min) ACTION

No corrections. Minutes accepted by unanimous consent.


Information Items

  1. Superintendent/President Update (5 minutes) INFORMATION

May is ISER approval month. Thank you to everyone who has helped with this process. Sharyn Eveland, Vicki Jacobi, Chris Chung-Wee, and Bill Devine contributed beautifully to the process, and they have Dr. Daniels’ gratitude.  150 students have signed up for graduation. We may be able to increase the number of attendees per graduate to four.  The Board took action at the last meeting and paid off the high interest bonds, which means that the college is in a more stable financial position.


  1. Status update for Academic Senate (1 min) INFORMATION

Spring plenary was a week and a half ago. All activities were virtual. Jacobi, Clemons, Abbott, and Dyer all attended the event. Many resolutions were adopted.  Please take a look the resolutions and familiarize yourself with them.

Action Items

  1. ACCJC Taft College Institutional Self-Evaluation Study (ISER) – Approval Recommendation to Board of Trustees (2 min) ACTION
Motion to approve the Recommendation of the ACCJC Taft College Institutional Self-Evaluation Study (ISER) to Board of Trustees
Motion: Devine
Second: Jiles

Roll call vote:


Amar Abbott
Jennifer Altenhofel
Adam Bledsoe
Nathan Cahoon
Joe’ll Chaidez
Christopher Chung-Wee
Reginald Clemons
Rebecca Colaw
Bill Devine
Sharyn Eveland
Shelley Getty
Greg Golling
Lourdes Gonzalez
Vicki Jacobi
Michael Jiles
Kelly Kulzer-Reyes
Steve Lytle
Maria Martinez
Janis Mendenhall
Tina Mendoza
David Mitchell
Ruby Payne
Juana Rangel-Escobedo
Kristi Richards
Lori Travis
Veronica Van Ry
Natalie Woodall


Motion passed unanimously.


  1. Recommendation of Approval for Dual Enrollment Course Offerings WKCCD/TUHS 2021-22 MOU (3 min) ACTION
Motion to approve the Dual Enrollment Course Offerings WKCCD/TUHS 2021-22 MOU
Motion: Jacobi
Second: VanRy


Roll call vote



Amar Abbott
Jennifer Altenhofel
Adam Bledsoe
Nathan Cahoon
Joe’ll Chaidez
Christopher Chung-Wee
Reginald Clemons
Rebecca Colaw
Bill Devine
Sharyn Eveland
Shelley Getty
Greg Golling
Lourdes Gonzalez
Vicki Jacobi
Michael Jiles
Kelly Kulzer-Reyes
Steve Lytle
Maria Martinez
Janis Mendenhall
Tina Mendoza
David Mitchell
Ruby Payne
Juana Rangel-Escobedo
Kristi Richards
Lori Travis
Veronica Van Ry
Natalie Woodall


Motion passed unanimously.


  1. AP 7211 – Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications, and Equivalencies (3 min) ACTION
Motion to accept and forward the AP 7211 – Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications, and Equivalencies
Motion: Abbott
Second: Altenhofel



Amar Abbott  
Jennifer Altenhofel  
Adam Bledsoe  
Nathan Cahoon  
Joe’ll Chaidez  
Christopher Chung-Wee  
Reginald Clemons  
Rebecca Colaw  
Bill Devine  
Sharyn Eveland  
Shelley Getty
Greg Golling
Lourdes Gonzalez
Vicki Jacobi
Michael Jiles
Kelly Kulzer-Reyes
Steve Lytle
Maria Martinez
Janis Mendenhall
Tina Mendoza
David Mitchell
Ruby Payne
Juana Rangel-Escobedo
Kristi Richards
Lori Travis
Veronica Van Ry
Natalie Woodall


Motion passed unanimously.


  1. Distance Education Accessibility Plan (A. Bledsoe) (3 min) ACTION

Overview given by Bledsoe on the Accessibility Plan. Accessibility is required by law.  The OEI process would be one way to comply.  There is a checklist option for self-evaluation.  The training option would address the items in the checklist.


Motion to accept the Distance Education Accessibility Plan
Motion: Abbott
Second: Jacobi


Roll call vote


Amar Abbott
Jennifer Altenhofel
Adam Bledsoe
Nathan Cahoon
Joe’ll Chaidez
Christopher Chung-Wee
Reginald Clemons
Rebecca Colaw
Bill Devine
Sharyn Eveland
Shelley Getty
Greg Golling
Lourdes Gonzalez
Vicki Jacobi
Michael Jiles
Kelly Kulzer-Reyes
Steve Lytle
Maria Martinez
Janis Mendenhall
Tina Mendoza
David Mitchell
Ruby Payne
Juana Rangel-Escobedo
Kristi Richards
Lori Travis
Veronica Van Ry
Natalie Woodall


Motion passed unanimously.


Information/Discussion Items     NO ACTION

  1. Strategic Action Plan Indicator Update 2019-2020 (X. Li) (3 min) Report

Original plan approved in 2018. Sent out the information about the final report.  This year’s data – goals have already been met.  Persistence rate from fall to spring is the only lagging indicator.


  1. Strategic Action Plan 2021-2024 – Highlights (X. Li) (3 min) Information

The new strategic action plan is developed for the next three years. The new plan aligns with the Chancellor’s office’s Vision for Success. Since the chancellor’s office plan is a five-year plan, we will keep the same format and leading and lagging indicators for the SAP. We will add the data definitions to the appendix. We will also add the activities and how they help. Separate the awards of certificate and diploma.

The final new SAP will be presented at the SPC meeting this month and will be approved next semester.


  1. Resource Allocations Impact Update from 2018-19 as documented in 2020 (X. Li)(3 min)                                                                                                                             Information

This year we evaluated goals for the past two years because the goal had been previously funded. Based on the 2018-2020 goals, six funded as academic and six service related goals.

English department listed the impact of the funded goal. K. Carlson analyzed the impact of the funding and reasons why not all parts of the goal have been met.  Technology master plan – funding has positively impacted the program.


  1. Committee Report: Curriculum & GE Progress on Senate Recommendation #5 (V. Jacobi) (3 min) Information

Recommendation #5: Evaluation and discussion of all courses’ “diversity of representation and culturally responsive content” as part of regular curriculum review.

Jacobi thanks the everyone who has been involved in this conversation in the Curriculum committee.  Long Beach City College’s toolkit is being analyzed now to see how it could be useful to our campus.  We want to ensure we deliver instruction while we maintain academic freedom.


  1. Committee Report: Faculty Professional Development Progress on Senate Recommendation #2 (R. Payne)(3 min) Report

Progress on Recommendation #2 – …anti-racism education related topics be included as flex opportunities, including in-service activities or individual flex activities, for TC faculty on an ongoing basis.  We currently have an entire track dedicated to DEI. Encourage all to participate both in May and in the Lunch and Learn opportunities going forward.


  1. AB 705 State Report Overview for Taft College (X. Li)(3 min) DISCUSSION

Report from X. Li:

We have received no direction from the state on how to complete this report. The model approved by the Chancellor’s Office, but no direction was given.  We are focused on disproportionate impact in transfer-level English.  We have limited GPA data.

Li can send the reports to us.  When we compare TC data to the state average, ours is a little lower than the state average.  Currently our success in completing transfer level courses within one year is 37% at TC whereas the statewide average is 50%.  Within our demographic data, we can see lower completion rate among Hispanic students.  Li will send the link to our TC data.:!/vizhome/ThroughputDashboard/StatewideorCollegeView?publish=yes


  1. Committee report: Distance Learning & Education (A. Bledsoe)(3 min) Report

Descriptive language will be added. Bargaining is reviewing the report.


  1. ASCCC Leadership Academy – An Adjunct’s Experience (R. Clemons)(5 min) Report

As an adjunct attending the leadership academy. Interesting: ASCCC statewide is the statewide voice for faculty.  Sessions in breakout rooms to discuss many 10+1 issues.  Preparing people to become leaders within ASCCC.  Self-care discussion and its role within leadership.  Encourage faculty to participate in the event.


Open Forum for Announcements            NO ACTION


  1. Payne is adding the August 2021 AS Whole meeting to the August In-Service schedule.


Adjournment 1:00 pm

Motion and second: Altenhofel and Van Ry

Adjourned by unanimous consent.


Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Kulzer-Reyes


Next meeting tentatively scheduled for Friday August 21, 2021 from 11AM to 1PM
