Vaping Alert
The California Department of Public Health and Center for Disease Control and Prevention
have issued an advisory urging everyone to refrain from vaping due to a continued
increase in vaping-associated pulmonary injury.
Until the cause of the condition is known, the state is advising against ALL vaping.
Recommendations from the California Department of Public Health
- CDPH urges everyone to quit vaping altogether, no matter the substance or source. For those who continue, you are urged to avoid buying any vaping products on the street and never modify a store-bought vape product.
- Anyone with a history of vaping who experiences difficulty breathing should seek immediate medical attention. Early treatment is essential to preserving your lung health. Your vaping products also may be requested for testing that can help determine the cause of the condition.
- If you decide to stop vaping, do not replace vaping with smoking combustible cigarettes. Ask your doctor for FDA-approved quitting treatments.
For those who vape and need help quitting, the can assist. For assistance in quitting 1-844-8-NO-VAPE
The updated number of cases, number of deaths and impacted states and territories are reported on the CDC Lung Injury website every Thursday at