Crime Prevention Tips

Crime prevention and safety tips

It is never your fault if you find yourself targeted in any crime. Perpetrators, not their victims, are responsible for crimes and their effects. These are tips, not guarantees; they are tools to help with personal safety. Prevention efforts can be effective in reducing the opportunities for criminal activity.

The following is a list of safety tips and general crime prevention information:

Numbers to Know

  • Emergency: 911
  • Taft PD: (661) 763-3101
  • Campus Safety and Security: (661) 763-7774


  • Be aware of surroundings. Avoid walking around while using electronic devices (e.g. cell phone, iPad, etc.). Electronic devices can keep you from noticing your surroundings.
  • Whenever possible, walk with a friend. When walking around campus, it is a safe practice to in the company of another friend or acquaintance. Do not focus on electronic devices when walking.
  • Understand the campus geography. Explore the campus in daylight to become aware of surroundings. This will provide orientation when walking at night.
  • When crossing campus after sundown, walk in well-lit areas.
  • Keep a phone readily available for unexpected emergency situations. If you cannot afford a phone, contact the California LifeLine Program (
  • Wear a backpack for books or carry them in a bag that can be dropped or thrown if necessary — this will keep your hands free
  • If walking to a vehicle, the keys should be kept in hand and ready to use when entering the parking lot or street.
  • When suspicious of being followed, walk or run to an occupied residence or facility, or to an area where people are present. Be prepared to call emergency services or to yell or scream if necessary
  • If you observe something that looks suspicious, contact Campus Safety or Taft PD and explain the situation. If it doesn’t “feel right,” then it is probably suspicious; trust your instincts.


  • Lock the room doors when leaving. Never loan keys or key cards to others.
  • Use caution when admitting strangers.
  • Contact the Dorm Supervisor, R.A., and/or Campus Safety if anything is observed that appears suspicious.
  • Do not leave valuables unsecured in rooms. Lock up valuable items in a secure cabinet, desk or other areas within the room.


  • Secure all valuables. Keep personal valuables locked in your desk and/or work area.  Lock office doors (if applicable) when leaving a work space for only a few minutes.  It only takes a second for someone to enter a work area and take valuable items.
  • Remind yourself frequently of important locations.  For example; the location of fire extinguishers, emergency exits, AEDs, etc.
  • Be prepared to contact Campus Safety in the event a customer becomes angry or violent. Ensure your desk phone or cell phone is programmed with the Campus Safety number on “speed dial.”  Contact 911 directly if the event involves danger to your life or that of another person.

General safety

  • Always keep a list of important phone numbers with you in case you are in an accident and emergency personnel need to contact someone. Examples might be the Campus Safety number, spouse’s work number, doctor’s office number, child’s school number, etc.
  • If you suffer from a medical problem that causes medical issues on a frequent basis, it is important you carry or wear an item that identifies that medical problem. For example; if you suffer from diabetes wear a bracelet or medallion that explains your problem and provides emergency information.
  • When off campus, try to stay with a group of people, preferably friends or acquaintances.  Avoid  dark places or deserted areas and have your phone ready in case you need to quickly call for assistance. Have emergency numbers set up on speed dial.
  • Never take drinks from other people and don’t leave your drink unattended. Be alert for date rape drugs; these drugs can cause drowsiness, loss of coordination, dizziness and memory loss. Have a friend with you and watch out for each other. Follow your instincts!