October 19, 2018 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee Agenda
Friday, October 19, 2018
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Counseling Center Conference Room
1. Approval of Minutes – September 7, 2018
2. Update on status of new Executive Director of IR& Planning
3. Distribute Copies of Annual Committee Review Self-Evaluation 17/18
4. Brief update on upcoming Accreditation Self–Evaluation training
5. SPC Activity Annual Calendar


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee

12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Counseling Center Conference Room


Members present:  Amanda Bauer, Sharyn Eveland, Tori Furman, Greg Golling, Jessica Grimes, Vicki Jacobi, and Windy Martinez


Members absent: Severo Balason


Secretary and Classified Representative: Brandy Young


Approval of Minutes – September 7, 2018

Minutes were approved without changes.


Update on Status of New Executive Director of IR & Planning

To date, a candidate has been selected and is currently in the offering stages. It is hopeful that the new IR Director will be Board approved in November and start soon after.


Annual Committee Review Self-Evaluation

Copies of the Annual Committee Self-Evaluation form were distributed. Brandy discussed the goals that were set for the 18/19 year. Some of the goals will require the participation of the new Director, so therefore, will be put on hold. The committee decided to create a timeline/calendar/deadlines for the goals and identify the activities to achieving the goals.


Brief Update on Upcoming Accreditation Self-Evaluation (ISER) Training
The next Accreditation cycle will begin this spring with training in January for the members of the SPC and other individuals who will be key participants (Accreditation Steering Committee) in writing the ISER. The training will focus on the organizational structure of putting together the ISER. The SPC will begin reviewing the standards and identifying leads as stated as a committee goal for 18/19.


SPC Activity Annual Calendar
The committee decided to review all relevant timelines at the next meeting in order to gain a better understanding of what are actual annual deliverables, ongoing projects and how to integrate all the annual goals. A few suggested timelines to review:


  • Program Review
  • Annual Report
  • Upcoming ISER



Due to scheduling conflicts in the month of November, the committee will have the next meeting on November 16th at noon in the Counseling Center conference room.


Respectfully submitted by:  Brandy Young
