November 09, 2018 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee Agenda
Friday, November 9, 2018
3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Counseling Center Conference Room
1. Approval of Minutes – October 19, 2018
2. 2021 Accreditation Self-Evaluation Training
 Set Date – Week of January 28 – Feb 1
3. Review Timelines
 Planning Guide
 Set timelines for committee goals
4. Review ACCJC Standards
 Develop game plan


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Friday, November 9, 2018
Counseling Center Conference Room

Members present: Severo Balason, Sharyn Eveland, Jessica Grimes, Vicki Jacobi,
Windy Martinez and Julie Marty-Pearson

Members absent: Tori Furman, Greg Golling and Amanda Bauer

Secretary and Classified Representative: Brandy Young

Approval of Minutes – October 19, 2018 – Minutes were approved without changes.

2021 Accreditation Self-Evaluation Training
Set date – Week of January 28 – Feb 1
The liaison from ACCJC will be coming to Taft College to provide training on the upcoming ISER. The SPC is the framework for the Accreditation Steering Committee; therefore, all members will participate in the training along with other individuals who will have a lead role in the process. Friday, February 1st looks to be the ideal date for the training. Julie and Deb will have a conference call with the ACCJC liaison to discuss the focus of the training. There is a 158-page guide that provides details on the ISER process.
• All SPC members check their schedules for availability – February 1, 2019 (TBD upon availability)
• The ACCJC guide will be sent to all committee members
• An email will be sent out to those members that are not present today regarding the training date

Review Timelines
The committee reviewed the Planning Guide (a compilation of institutional plans/processes and their timelines) and discussed needed updates. The guide aligns with ACCJC standards.
• Timelines will be corrected
• Remove the Program Review timeline
• Remove the Integrated Planning Model (Quilt)
• Update the Integrated Plan to the Student Equity Achievement Plan
• Vicki will work on a plan to cover ACCJC Standard 2A (Instructional Plan)
• Sharyn will make the edits and updates to the document
• Contact Human Resources for the updated EEO Plan to add to the Planning page of the IR website
• Some plans are currently outdated according to their timelines. Authors of those plans will be contacted.

Review ACCJC Standards
The committee will begin discussing a game plan for reviewing the ACCJC standards at the next meeting. The committee will also begin identifying individuals to participate in the ISER training.

The next SPC meeting is scheduled for December 7 at 10:30 a.m. in the Counseling Center Conference Room.
Respectfully submitted by: Brandy Young
