September 30, 2015 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee
Special Meeting Agenda
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Café Conference Room

1. Accreditation Team Guests
2. Comprehensive Enrollment Model
3. Next Meeting time and date


Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m., Friday, September 30, 2015
Café Conference Room
Special Meeting

Members Present: Eric Bérubé, Darcy Bogle, Agnes JEguaras, Greg Hawkins, Vicki Jacobi, and Mark Williams

Members Absent: Diane Baeza
Guest: Sharyn Eveland
Secretary: Brandy Young

The Committee had a special meeting in order to discuss the newly proposed Enrollment Management Model. The minutes from September 18, 2015 will be carried over to the October 9, 2015 meeting for approval.

1. Accreditation Team Guests
Members of the Accreditation site visit team were made aware of the special meeting of SPC, but they did not attend.

2. Comprehensive Enrollment Model
Mark and Darcy presented the Comprehensive Enrollment Model. There was much discussion on what the model will be able to provide. The Committee discussed several scenarios and examples of how the model will/can be used. (See attached photos at the end of this document). The model will be able to pin point where we are losing students. It will be able to detect at what point we are losing the students as well as help to facilitate the process in answering why we lose those students. The model will provide us with consistent data. The model will use a base “group” of students. The group of students will not change, but the filters can change. The model will consist of a series of snapshots or baselines. The Committee will need to establish the points of when we “look at the data.” Some suggested snap shot points in time were:

  • Enrollment Date
  • Registration Date
  • Census Date
  • W Date
  • FW Date
  • Final Grade

Much discussion was had on the role Cognos Club would play in the development and implementation of the model. Sharyn depicted the types of reports that could be generated. It was suggested that the model follow a timeline and a recommendation was made to use the Standard Reports Template that Eric and Dena created and presented to the Governance Council on the September 25th meeting. It was also stated that data to support the model will be generated from both Cognos and the Institutional Research office.

Action Item: The proposed Comprehensive Enrollment Model will be taken to the Access and Success Committees for presentation in order to gain Equity funding to implement the project. The model will be presented to the Governance Council as an informational item and will go to the Board for approval at the October 2015 meeting.

Next Meeting: Friday, October 9, 2015 – 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Café Conference Room

Respectfully submitted by Brandy Young
