February 05, 2015 Meeting




Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
11 a.m., Friday, February 5, 2015
Cafeteria Conference Room

Members Present: Eric Bérubé, Darcy Bogle, Greg Hawkins, Vicki Jacobi, James May, Mark Williams, Karen Ziegler

Members Absent: Agnes JEguaras


1. Approval of Minutes from the December 6, 2014 Meeting

The minutes were approved by consensus.

2. Designate a new Committee Chair

Mark Williams and Darcy Bogle will be Co-Chairs of the committee. The duties of the Co-Chairs will consist of:

  • Setting agendas
  • Facilitate committee meetings or call for a facilitator
  • Be the liaison for both Governance Council and the Academic Senate
  • Be a working participant in committee action items and responsibilities

Action Items:

  • Eric will email the committee goals and status of those goals established in fall 2014 to the Co-Chairs
  • Co-Chairs will establish goals for spring 2015 and prioritize
  • Co-Chairs will coordinate the new meeting time (if needed)

3. Other Discussion

The Charter was reviewed at the beginning of the fall semester and no changes were made, but under the new Co-Chairs the Charter will be reviewed and possibly revised.
Tasks that are underway:

  • The development of the Planning Guide
  • Institution Set Standards
  • Integrated Planning Model finalization and implementation in fall 2015
  • Finalization of Comprehensive Program Review and implementation in fall 2015
  • Community Survey spring 2015
  • Annual Program Review Reports to be reviewed prior to fall 2015
  • Strategic Planning interactive calendar – in development

A representative from the CTE department will need to be recruited to fill the vacant committee spot

Action Items:

  • Eric will email the list of items to be included in Comprehensive Program Review to the committee
  • Vicki will email the Comprehensive Program Review template and process that she has developed to the committee
  • Vicki will speak with Tori Furman about filling in for the CTE representation



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