April 04, 2014 Meeting


Strategic Planning Committee
Agenda for Regular Meeting
8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Friday, April 4, 2014
Cafeteria Conference Room

To: Sam Aunai, Darcy Bogle, Agnes Eguaras, Greg Hawkins, Vicki Herder, David Layne,
Mark Williams

From: Eric Berube, Chair

Date: March 31, 2014

Recorder: Debi Wooley

Timekeeper: TBD



1. Approval of Minutes of the March 25, 2014 meeting – 5 minutes (8:30 am-8:35 am)

2. Integrated Planning Model – Eric – 55 minutes (8:35 am-10:00 am)

Objective: To establish “anchor” event timelines for each of the processes in the planning model.

The committee discussed the planning model line by line as follows:

Current Action Item: Eric will bring more detail regarding comprehensive program review data to a future meeting of the SPC, and Vicki will bring copies of a Course Outline of Record and information regarding the ISLO process for more clarification.

Line 1: Educational Master Planning and Strategic Planning Cycle Process

No suggestions for changes.

Line 2: Resource Allocation Cycle Process


Line 3: Student Access and Success Cycle Process

Cannot be addressed until the Student Access and Student Success Committees begin meeting.

Line 4: Program Review Cycle Process

No suggestions for changes. Comprehensive Program Review process needs to be finalized.

Line 5: SLO Assessment Cycle Process

Will be addressed a future meeting when more information is available to the committee members.

Line 6: Institutional SLO Assessment Cycle Process

Same as above.

Line 7: Curriculum Review Cycle Process

Vicki gave the group information on the CID and TMC processes for curriculum updates which are externally driven. In the future changes to curriculum will be initiated internally from data collected from Section Improvement Plans and Student Learning Outcomes.

Line 8: ACCJC Cycle Process

Not addressed because of time constraint.

3. Adjournment




Minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee
8:30 a.m., Friday, April 4, 2014
Cafeteria Conference Room

Members Present: Eric Bérubé, Agnes Eguaras, Greg Hawkins, Vicki Jacobi, Mark Williams

Members Absent: Sam Aunai, Darcy Bogle, David Layne

Guests Present: Brandy Young


1. Approval of Minutes of the March 25, 2014 meeting

The minutes were approved by consensus.

2. Integrated Planning Model – Eric

Objective: To establish “anchor” event timelines for each of the processes in the planning model.

Work continued on the draft of the Integrated Planning Model. Vicki presented a schedule for Institutional SLO Assessment which was approved for recommendation by the group. The decision was made to establish academic year 2014-15 as Year 1, and a few other minor revisions were suggested. The latest version will be presented at a Governance Council meeting in the near future.

3. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.


Debra Wooley
