November 16, 2018 Meeting


  1. Review Minutes from October 19, 2018
  2. Charter Update
  3. Print Study
  4. Project Updates
  5. Other
  6. Next Meeting: Friday, December 21, 2018


Members Present:

Andrew Prestage, Adam Bledsoe, Shelley Getty, Mark Gibson, Gus Gonzalez, Dana Hicks, David Mitchell, David Reynolds.

Members Absent:   

Nicole Avina, John Dodson, Abbas Jarrahian, Aldrin Lubin, James May, Tiffany Rowden

Student Representative:

Whisper-Lynn Null


Andrew Prestage facilitated the meeting.


Dana Hicks, recorder.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting called to order at 10:06 A.M.

  • Prestage took a moment to welcome and introduce Bledsoe as the Co-Chair of the committee.
  1. Review Minutes from October 19, 2018
  • There was a spelling correction to Getty’s name under the “Members Present” section.
  • Prestage corrected bullet point #3 under the printer study to reflect more accurately how the printer study originated.
  • Prestage commented that for future ITC meetings, we will ensure that meeting minutes get sent out a couple days in advance to allow members time to review minutes prior to the meeting.
  • The committee approved the remaining minutes as written pending a more thorough opportunity for review and an opportunity to make changes noted above.
  1. Charter Update
  • Prestage commented that as discussed at last month’s meeting, the charter membership for faculty has been changed to specify a minimum of two faculty members. In addition, some members have been removed from the committee (e.g. President and VP of Administrative Services). These changes have been approved by Governance Council.
  1. Print Study
  • Prestage reminded the committee that the print study subcommittee consisted of Null, Mitchell, Gibson and Prestage.
  • Prestage presented a recap of the terms, conditions and assumptions that were built into the print study request for quotes (RFQ). He outlined the subcommittee’s process for reviewing the proposals that were submitted, selecting 3 vendors to present their proposal, and finished by discussing the subcommittee’s recommendation for a selected vendor.
  • Mitchell discussed faculty considerations that were explored with the vendors including response times for reported issues, toner maintenance (auto shipment), per unit individual printer options and an option where students may scan and upload documents into Canvas.
  • Prestage stated that 4 vendors responded to the request for proposals. The print subcommittee reviewed all proposals and selected 3 to move forward for further review. Prestage recapped specifics of the subcommittee process and important decision considerations with respect to any vendor selected to support Taft College through any transition and post transition support over a multi-year period.
  • Prestage noted that EquiTrac print cost accounting software is being considered for installation on computers throughout the campus. The software will track per page costs of both b/w and color printing. If implemented, the software could be used to allocate print costs back to departments.
  • Prestage said that the subcommittee’s decision was to recommend CA Reding to move forward with their proposal. Discussion followed.
  • The committee voted unanimously to proceed with recommending CA Reding to move forward with further printer and cost research and calculate what our cost benefit would be by moving to a more centralized printing environment.
  • Prestage stated that he will work with the selected vendor on various strategies and recommendations of how to approach placing and retaining various printers/copiers around campus.
  1. Project Updates
  • Technology master plan: Prestage would like to form a Subcommittee to assist him with the plan and asked for volunteers from the ITC committee. Reynolds, Bledsoe, Mitchell and Null volunteered to assist Prestage with creating a new technology master plan.
  • Instructional Tech Grant: For this year, ITS received a $36,000 in Instructional Tech funds. The funds are being used to update the AV equipment in Science 2, 3, 6 and 7. Serban Sound will be out to work on the rooms during Winter Break and is scheduled to be done before Spring Semester begins January 2019.
  •  Power Consumption: ITS is looking at software to help with shutting computers down at a particular time.
    • Reynolds asked if it would be possible to look into replacing the remote lock buttons located in the back of the science classrooms. Gonzalez mentioned that Convergint has been out to look at the locks and should be working on a quote for a new remote lock system.

5.  Other

  • Reynolds wished to thank members of IT for remaining on top of everything and continuing day-to-day operations.

6.  Next Meeting: Friday, January 18, 2018

The meeting was adjourned at 11:03 A.M.
