April 20, 2018 Meeting


Information Technology Committee Agenda

Friday, April 20, 2018

Science 11 Conference Room

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

The Information Technology Committee serves as the central focal point to examine technology planning and operations at Taft College. The Committee provides a forum for input from all campus constituents and acts as a resource with regard to technology planning and operational effectiveness. The Committee receives input, recommends areas of interest, analyzes technology effectiveness, and makes recommendations regarding technology-related matters including training needs. The Committee leads the development of the Technology Master Plan and provides annual updates to the plan.

  1. Review Minutes from March 16, 2018
  2. Instructional Technology Update
  3. Technology Master Plan Update
  4. Project Updates
    1. Banner System Review
    2. Network Infrastructure
      1. Firewall = 10 Gig Campus Backbone
      2. Switch / UPS / AP Refresh
    3. Campus Printer Study
    4. Security Awareness Phishing Test Results
    5. Password Policy Change
    6. Single Sign On (SSO)
    7. CSUB Project: ITS User Satisfaction Survey
    8. 20 CIS Standards + New Federal Standards
    9. Planned Maintenance Downtimes
    10. E-mail Retention Policy
  5. Other


Members Present:

Andrew Prestage, Nicole Avina, Shelly Getty, Gus Gonzalez, Dana Hicks, Richard Hudson, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, David Mitchell

Members Absent:   

Dan Hall, Bill Devine, John Dodson, John Eigenauer, Mark Gibson, Aldrin Lubin, Brock McMurray, David Reynolds, Tiffany Rowden


There were no guests


Andrew Prestage facilitated the meeting.


Dana Hicks recorded the meeting.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 10:14 am.

  1. Approval of Minutes:
  • The committee approved the minutes from March’s meeting with no modifications.
  1. Instructional Technology Update
  • Andrew distributed a handout consisting of information pertaining to the IT Instructional Equipment Grant.
  • A discussion brief discussion occurred about the use of the grant funds. A large chunk of grant funds is being devoted to network switches and UPSs for the CDC, Stem, Science, and Administrative buildings.
  • About $11,800 of grant funds is being spent on equipment outlined on the handout:
    • 12, 8’ projector screens for G3, G6-9, STEM, S2-3, S6*2, S7*2
    • 1, Projector for T9
    • 2, new iMacs, one each for T9 and T10
    • 4, new instructor stations, one each for T5, T12, T14, and T15
  1. Technology Master Plan Update
  • Andy distributed a handout pertaining to the “I wish I could…” idea list that was discussed back in December’s special ITC brainstorm meeting.
  • Andy would like to change the technology master plan and pertaining to the handout, Andy asked the committee for their opinion on what items they would like for him to concentrate for the next three years. He asked the committee to pick the top 10 items from the list.
  • Shelly asked why listed item #7, “No more free printing in the Library because the cost to run and maintain the printers outweighs the money being brought in”. Andy responded that what was discovered from a recent printer study, there are actually three printers currently in the library – two that are pay-to-print (Equitrac) and one that is free that everyone seems to utilize.  The printer study that is currently taking place has revealed that this printer is utilized at an alarming rate.  The other reason this item is highlighted is because the item was most likely brought up by Terri Smith.
  • David asked for a copy of the printer study once it’s received by Andy.
  • The committee responded they feel that Andy should take initiative and pick from the list the items he’d desire to concentrate on.
  • Andy took the committee’s recommendation and will make the decision and pick his top ideas to concentrate on. He also encouraged the members to email the suggested items to either him or Dana
  1. Project Updates

           1. Banner System Review

  •  Andrew stated the Ellucian team will be on campus Wednesday, April 25, and Thursday, April 26. The team will be looking at all aspects of Banner usage around campus.

            2. Network Infrastructure

                  1. Firewall = 10 Gig Campus Backbone

  • The firewall was installed about one month ago. More updates to follow.

         2. Switch / UPS / AP Refresh

  • No updates at this time.

          3. Campus Printer Study

  • Topic was discussed earlier in the meeting.

          4. Security Awareness Phishing Test Results

  • Out of 600 emails that were viewed, about 80 users clicked the link contained in the test. We will continue to educate users about Phishing.  A great number of users called IT and alerted us about the email.
  • One Administrator and a couple faculty members pushed back on the simulated attach and thought this was not a way to build trust.
  • This simulated attack is actually an industry standard and needed as part of security awareness.
  • Andy was informed about a 15-minute video offering (through the Chancellor’s office) about security awareness as an option in lieu of simulated attacks. Andy asked the committee what they thought about this video option.  The committee felt it would be appropriate to continue with simulated attacks.  The video will be a good tool for supplemental education materials.
  • The committee also recommends the available videos be mandatory to view as part of in-services to increase awareness or for those who ‘click on the link’.
  • Andy, however, stated, rather than mandatory videos, he will continue with practicing simulated phishing attacks 2-3 times/year, and sending out regular email updates about ransomware risks and include the videos with the emails for those who desire to view them.

          5. Password Policy Change

  • The new password policy will be going into effect April 30.

          6. Single Sign On (SSO)

  • If Taft College is accepted into the OEI Consortium, then SSO will be implemented as required. If we are not accepted into the OEI Consortium, then SSO will not move forward.

          7.  CSUB Project: ITS User Satisfaction Survey

  • The CSUB students are wrapping up their study and will publish results soon. Andy to send the results to everyone when available.

          8. 20 CIS Standards + New Federal Standards

  • Andy referred to the available handout titled, “NIST Special Publication 800-171 for Higher Ed.” This article was reference in the Inside Higher Education This article connects the missed 800-171 standards for security hardening with colleges.  The missed 800-171 currently applies to anybody who is connected to the Federal Gov’t and receiving defense contractor funding.  TC received federal funding in the form of financial aid.  The goas of the chancellor’s office is to connect financial aid with missed 800-171 compliance.  This is on the horizon of being implemented.  Please grab a copy of the article if interested.

          9. Planned Maintenance Downtimes

  • As an idea from Gus, the campus’ systems should be brought down periodically for routine maintenance and updates, or patches. An email will be coming out not far from now that IT will be bringing the systems down for needed maintenance.

           10. E-mail Retention Policy

  • Dana brought forward John Eigenhauer’s question about how emeritus standing will be affected from the email retention policy. Per Andy and the committee, retired employees will be treated equally and have emails retained for two years.
  1. Other
  • There were no other topics discussed.


The meeting adjourned at 10:48 a.m.
