March 16, 2018 Meeting


West Kern Community College District

ITC Meeting Agenda

Friday, March 16, 2018

Science 11, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Instructional Technology Update
    1. Distance Education
    2. Instructional / Classroom / Faculty Equipment Needs (APR Process)
  3. Other Updates
    1. SSO / Login Banner (Information Item)
    2. Security Awareness Phishing Test Results
    3. ITS User Satisfaction Survey Progress
    4. Ellucian Banner System Review (April 25-26)
    5. 20 CIS Standards + New Federal Standards
    6. Planned Maintenance Downtimes
    7. Network Infrastructure
      1. Firewall = 10 Gig Campus Backbone
      2. Switch / UPS / AP Refresh
    8. E-mail Update
      1. Reviewing E-mail Retention Policy (2 years?)
    9. Technology Master Plan Update
    10. Next Meeting: Friday, April 20, 2018 – 10:00 a.m. (S-11)


Members Present:

Dan Hall, Nicole Avina, Bill Devine, John Eigenauer, Mark Gibson, Gustavo Gonzalez, Dana Hicks, Richard Hudson, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, David Mitchell, David Reynolds,

Members Absent:   

Andy Prestage, John Dodson, Shelly Getty, Aldrin Luben, Brock McMurray, Tiffany Rowden,


There were no guests


Dan Hall facilitated the meeting.


Dana Hicks recorded the meeting.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 10:07 am.

  1. Approval of Minutes:
  • The committee approved the minutes from February’s meeting with no modifications.

       2.  Instructional Technology Update

1. Distance Education

  • The application to join the OEI Consortium has been submitted. With the understanding of being part of the Consortium, Taft College will be implementing a single sign-on.
  • There is a cost of the single sign-on which will discussed by Mark later in the meeting.
  • There has already been an inquiry by the Consortium as to when the SSO will be implemented. Andy and Mark will be responding to the Consortium with an implementation timeline.
  • Per Dan, when the application to join the consortium was submitted, there was the understanding that five seats in each class would be reserved for students from other CCC campuses. The night before Dan submitted the application, the Chancellor’s office came out with an addendum indicating that 20 seats in each class will need to be reserved for students from other CCC campuses. Per Bill, normal class count for Taft College classes are about 30.  Dan’s immediate response was this would not go at all well with our faculty.  Jeffery, along with the statewide academic senate, are working on a Resolution to make an exception for small campuses.
  • Per Dan, in light of this development and if the exception for small campuses is not accepted/approved, there is an option to decline joining the Consortium even after being accepted.
  • David R. asked if there is a trial period of membership with the Consortium even if everything works out. There is no trial period, but Dan indicated his response to that question even if there was a trial option would be thanks, but no thanks.

   2. Instructional / Classroom / Faculty Equipment Needs (APR Process)

  • Mark has no real update at this time. Mark briefly discussed needs such as faculty classroom workstations, etc. The guidelines, however, indicate the funds are to be used to purchase equipment for student use. Purchasing faculty workstations for the classroom is a grey area no matter how written.
  • Other spending ideas have been discussed between Andy and Mark, but with Andy being absent, Mark is not at liberty to discuss at this time.
  • Andy knows he has until mid-May to finalize his decisions and spend the funds.

           3. Other Updates

                1. SSO / Login Banner (Information Item)

  • Mark indicated the cost for PortalGuard SSO software for the first year totals $10,000, including a discount. The $10,000 when broken down includes $5,000 for purchasing the software and another $5,000 for first year maintenance costs.  The continuation of using the SSO is $5,000/year for maintenance.
  • How the SSO software works, per Mark, is the software is installed onto all campus desktop machines. With the software installed, users will log onto the machines using there username/password.  The users will no longer be prompted to use any additional login information for any of their Banner, email, websites, etc. accounts after initially logging onto the machine.  When resetting passwords, this software will reset all passwords for all accounts.
  • Implementing the SSO will also turn on two-factor authentication.  This will be good for areas of Financial Aid, Administrative services, and all other areas that need to implement authentication due to access of sensitive information.
  • A third item that will be turned on with the SSO will be additional safety measures when resetting passwords. These safety measures would include tying in additional identifying measures, such as a user’s email address to be sure the user is the individual making the changes.
  • Nicole asked if there was a concern about students not logging out of their accounts before leaving the stations. Mark responded this topic has been discussed and it is a matter of contacting the SSO company and discussing an inactivity timeout period such as 30 minutes or so.
  • Per Mark, there will always be a risk of students not logging out of their accounts before leaving the stations.
  • In looking at the Login Banner, the link would need to be checked out and made sure of functionality before implementing.
  • He is looking at changing the verbiage of the Login Banner to make it more restrictive for Financial Aid/Finance users due to restrictive data access.

     2.  Security Awareness Phishing Test Results

  • A discussion occurred between Andy and Mark to send out advanced notices. However, the advanced notice idea was scrapped since the notices would have been too broad and hard to tell that the notices were a phishing test.
  • There will be some additional security awareness tests coming up in the future.
  • Many people were fine with the test but there were others not pleased at all.
  • In looking at the results of 600+ emails sent out, this test needed to be done:

200 users opened the email = not so bad

80 users clicked on the link = bad

3 people (known) completed date = super bad

  • Mark purposely composed the email with telltale mistakes in hopes that recipients would catch them and contact IT.

3. ITS User Satisfaction Survey Progress

  • Per Mark, there has been no word on the progress.
  • A group of CSUB graduate students conducted the survey in order to collect information about the Taft College IT office’s services and customer satisfaction.

4. Ellucian Banner System Review (April 25-26)

  • Ellucian representatives will be on campus April 25-26.
  • The representatives will be evaluating Banner usage to help determine if the software is being utilized to its fullest potential.

  5. 20 CIS Standards + New Federal Standards

  • Correction, the topic is about 20 CSC Standards, not 20 CIS
  • Mark spoke with Barbara to discuss what to do with the various standards.
  • The Federal Government attached a section of security standards for Financial Aid to follow. If Financial Aid does not follow the security standards, the school will be at risk of losing its financial aid funding.
  • Barbara was unaware of these standards until Mark informed her, but this is where the SSO software would help. The SSO software is one of the requirements of keeping the funding.
  • The campus is not required to follow the entire list of 20 standards, but it does need to follow a good chunk of the list.

6. Planned Maintenance Downtimes

  • Mark is looking making the second Sunday of the month, from 6am to 9am, as a regular down time to perform patches and restart as many systems as possible.
  • He would also like to bring the system down the second Tuesday of the month, from 6am to 8am, to patch Microsoft.
  • Mark to give notifications prior to any downtimes.

  7. Network Infrastructure

1. Firewall = 10 Gig Campus Backbone

  • The firewall was installed this morning and is working perfectly.
  • The permits to run the fiber line for the 10Gb backbone have been submitted twice to the City of Taft/County of Kern with no ETA of when permits will be approved.
  • When the project is completely done, the internet will be going from 1Gb to 10Gb.
  • Mark discussed the issue with the 1Gb circuit going down last week. The issue was with Time Warner’s system, not Taft College. The port on the equipment was bad.
  • There will actually be two 10Gb curcuits – 1 for primary, 1 for secondary.

2. Switch / UPS / AP Refresh

  • A walk through with a vendor was done on Tuesday to look at locations where UPSs have died. Also located some areas that needed a UPS.
  • There are seven UPSs needing to be replaced.
  • Mark informed the committee that most of the infrastructure is at least 12 years old and in dire need of replacing/updating. Due to budget issues over the years, many needs weren’t able to be met.  At this moment, the campus needs switches, UPSs, access points, a core, etc. that are estimated to cost at least $130,000+.  There was a thought of utilizing the bond that was just approved; however, if the verbiage for funding IT equipment is not included in the writing of the bond, then no funds can be utilized towards any IT equipment.

           8. Email Update

1. Reviewing E-mail Retention Policy (2 years?)

  • Mark stated the email retention policy is being reviewed and will possibly cut down from seven years to anywhere between 2 and 4 years. A final decision has not been made at this time.

          9. Technology Master Plan Update

There were no updates at this time.

          10. Next Meeting: Friday, April 20, 2018 – 10:00 a.m. (S-11)


The meeting adjourned at 11:01 a.m.

