December 16, 2014 Meeting


ITC Meeting 12-16-2014

Members Present: Adrian Agundez, John Dodson, Gustavo Gonzalez, Dan Hall, Steve Lytle, Aldrin Luben, Dena Maloney, Terri Smith

Members Absent:  John Eigenauer, Ricardo Garcia, Shelley Getty, Mark Gibson, Richard Hudson, Brock McMurray, Ruby Payne, Jana Peters, Tiffany Rowden, Tony Thompson, Linda West, Mark Williams

Guests: None

Facilitator: Adrian Agundez

Recorder: Heidi Archibald

Meeting Called to Order: 10:05 a.m.


Approval of Meeting Minutes

  • Minutes for September, October, and November were approved.

Equipment Replacement

  • All 15 Hitachi projectors have been received. These will be the last items going into the classrooms.
  • S-11 will be used to build the new TCI stations that will be delivered in January.
  • Richard has been in T5 and has began to move out equipment and move in the new monitors. Friday, and then next Monday, and Tuesday we will be going in and putting in the new thin clients.
  • We have received all 35 iMacs that will be going into T10. We plan on starting on this project on Friday.
  • Our goal is to have classrooms and labs complete by January 12th so that we can focus on the laptop carts.
  • Mark is building the print queues for all of the new printers.
  • Dr. Maloney mentioned that she has heard from faculty that teach in rooms where new equipment has been installed, it seems that even though all of the new equipment is in place, the necessary software is sometimes not being loaded, settings are different than what the instructor is used to, things of that nature. She asks if there is a checklist for each classroom as to what needs to be done when installing new equipment.
  • During Spring break we plan on spending approximately $20,000 replacing/updating the laptop carts in Science/Math, replacing batteries in some of the laptops, and replacing broken screens if we decide to keep the tablets we currently have. We are also looking at the idea of utilizing a third party company that does refreshes and they have the same tablets that we currently use.
  • Replacements for the Library will go into next year’s budget. Terri reports she is experiencing a lot of issues with her current laptops and can only nurse the equipment for so long. Adrian informed her that we are waiting on batteries for a lot of her units and they will remain functional.Adrian would like for Terri to consider the NComputing stations for the library.

ITC Charter

  • The document shows what exactly the ITC committee has done and plans to do. Adrian will periodically report ITC updates to the Governance Council.
  • Dan Hall asks that these charters be available online for faculty. Dr. Maloney advises that this is currently in the works.

AP 3720

  • Dr. Maloney met with the attorneys and discussed some of the concerns brought up by the ITC committee and the language used in the document.
  • Dr. Maloney advised that any time you use the District’s network, you are basically relinquishing some of your privacy.
  • She also advises that we are not routinely monitoring your usage. A “trigger” causes us to look into usage. We do not routinely scan emails or do keyword monitoring unless there is an event that causes us to.
  • Adrian participated in a cyber-security webinar. We have a lot of sensitive student information on campus and we need to do our due diligence in keeping that information safe. We are looking at the idea of possibly parking some of our data in the Cloud in case the campus is hit by earthquake, flood, etc

Christmas Break

  • There will be some Banner upgrades.
  • There will be classroom upgrades.
  • Adrian will only be out between Christmas and New Years.

Outlook Issues

  • We are experiencing an issue with emails going to Junk Mail and shared calendars are not available. Mark has put in a ticket with Microsoft.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
