October 25, 2013 Meeting



Governance Council

October 25, 2013

12:10 – 2:00 pm

Cougar Room

Facilitator: Mark Williams

Recorder: Brandy Cramer

Timekeeper: Velda Long

Minutes: Melissa Blanco

  1. Approval of Minutes from September 27, 2013     5 minutes


  1. Ranking of Resource Requests from Program Review – Instructions   15 minutes


(led by Eric Berube)

  1. Report on Progress in Establishing the Student Success and


Access Committees (led by Darcy Bogle and Mark Williams)     20 minutes

  • Potential Committee Composition
  • Potential Committee Size
  • Draft Charter for Governance Council Review


  1. Update on Progress in Establishing a Centralized Intranet Site


for Taft College Committees (led by Adrian Agundez)   15 minutes

  1. Report on the SPC Committee (led by David Layne)     15 minutes


  1. Safety Committee Formation (led by Darcy Bogle)     20 minutes


  1. Report on the Budget Committee and Recommendation to


Update the Budget Committee Charter (led by member of Budget committee) 15 minutes

Next Meeting: November 8 12:10 – 2:00 pm


Call for:



Time Keeper



October 25, 2013 12:10 pm – 2 pm Cougar Room

Members Present:      Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Darcy Bogle, Brandy Cramer, Greg Golling, Vicki Herder, Velda Pena, Dena Maloney, Mylasia Smith, Sonja Swenson, Tony Thompson and Mark Williams

Members Absent:       Kamala Carlson, Sharyn Eveland, Velda Pena, Brock McMurray, Jim Nicholas, and Laura Riss

Guests:                            Adrian Agundez, Eric Bérubé, and David Layne

Facilitator: Mark Williams Recorder: Brandy Cramer Timekeeper: Velda Pena (Not Present) Minutes: Melissa Blanco



  • The minutes of the meeting held September 27, 2013 were approved by consensus with the correction of Sheri Black in attendance for half the meeting.



(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • Eric distributed a handout titled “Resource Request Prioritization Worksheet for Non Personnel
  • Items Fall 2013” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • Eric proposed a discussion on how we will proceed with the ranking.
  • In the past ranking was based on two criteria:
  • Need
  • How it aligns with the mission of Taft College
  • TC plans to use the same process as last year.
  • Program Review process overview per Eric: During the annual program review process,
  • program leads submit resource requests, if the request requires funding they are listed out in the worksheet. Each program lead ranks, then the division chairs rank within their division. The worksheet goes to the VP to be ranked, then to the Governance Council. These recommendations are sent to the President for final approval.
  • This process links planning to resource allocation.
  • The same requests can be submitted if they are not funded and it’s still a need.
  • The issue of reinstatement of funding to programs who clearly took cuts due to tight budgets but remained on those small budgets without reinstating funds when the outlook got brighter was a topic of discussion.
  • The Athletics program is the only program that has not had funds reinstated. The lost $190,000 to their budget over the years. They have to rely on fundraising to buy equipment and supplies. Their supply equipment went from $30,000 to $3,000. Team travel budgets have been reduced.
  • Concern was also expressed over proper maintenance of the teams’ transportation and the safety of team travel due to lack of funds.
  • Fundraising should not be how a program operates. Fundraising is meant for additional perks and fun events for the programs, not for routine operating expenses.
  • The question as to how does the District justify having an Athletics program without funding it to sustain itself without fundraising. This clearly affects the quality of the program and the experience of our student athletes.
  • It was stated that if the District doesn’t have the operating funds to run a program then it shouldn’t have the program at all.
  • Kanoe stated her request for funding is too high and would be happy with 1/3 for a fiscal year.
  • She also stated to change the ranking of Athletics from 3 of 4 to 1 of 4.
  • It was stated the ranking was challenging because the conversation of “need” has not taken place within the during Governance Council ranking process.
  • It was stated only new “things” were listed out for ranking or items not funded in previous ranking year.
  • It was stated that reinstatement is different and should be discussed with your VP what the needs are and if those are still a need for the District.
  • Kanoe stated that Taft College is an example to other institutions in the area of Athletics.



(Led by Darcy Bogle, VP of Student Services, and Mark Williams, VP of Instruction)

  • Update on Student Success Committee: Darcy stated the first meeting was cancelled. Another meeting will be scheduled and a report given at the next Governance Council meeting.
  • Update on the Access Committee: Mark stated the committee has not met yet also. He distributed a handout titled “Access Committee Discussion 10/25/13”(copy attached to official minutes). The handout summarized the process and timeline that he created for drafting a charter and establishing the official committee. He is hoping to establish the committee by January.
  • Vicki brought up concerns regarding transfer agreements/articulation. Will this change as a result of establishing these committees? Will the process go back to the Access Committee?
  • Clarification regarding transfer agreements and how this will become part of the committee
  • Will discontinuation of programs be handled by this committee?
  • There is a process regarding the discontinuance of programs. There is documentation in the
  • Academic Senate minutes.



(Led by Adrian Agundez, Director of Information Services)

  • Adrian stated Governance Council minutes and agendas are finished and a Banner section is being created as well that will contain resources on procedures in Banner.
  • Dena requested a list of those committees and their status. When the site is complete, a campus wide notice will be sent out.
  • A placeholder should be on the Intranet for all committees regardless if they able to pos
  • minutes with a brief description of the committee’s charge and the membership.
  • All documents are in PDF.
  • Adrian will attend the next meeting to give a brief demonstration at the Governance Council meeting November 22, 2013.



(Led by David Layne, Faculty Member)

  • The committee has discussed program review for 2014/2015and the new “How to Guide” is in development.
  • Comprehensive Program Reviews for 2014 were also discussed and a preliminary 5 year structure has been created and will be shared in the future. The SPC is currently reviewing designs from other schools and data resources, Data Mart.
  • It was stated that the Access Committee may be overlapping the charge of the SPC. This will be discussed in the future.
  • David stated there are a value and a need for this committee for several years.
  • A new strategic plan will be needed (3 year plan).
  • The development of the dashboard and key success indicators for the District is also on their list of things to do as well.
  • SPC will count as a committee assignment per Faculty Association and the President.



(Led by Darcy Bogle, VP of Student Services)

  • Darcy distributed a handout titled “_ampus Safety and Security _ommittee Proposal” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • The handout was a proposed Charter for the Safety Committee which outlined the mission, purpose, responsibilities, and membership representation.
  • There is a need for tighter coordination of safety and security across campus for students, staff, and facilities.
  • The committee would also conduct safety drills and maintain an awareness of national safety
  • It was recommended that HR have a representative.
  • It was recommended that a “representative” from each area be considered, not necessarily the
  • Division Chair or the Athletic Trainer.
  • Is the workload is enough for a committee assignment? It will go to the AERR to decide.

CONSENSUS: The Governance Council agreed to support the establishment of a new Safety Committee with the recommended changes/revisions to the charter.



(Led by Sonja Swenson, Division Chair of Liberal Arts & Professor)

  • Sonja distributed a handout of the draft of the charter of the Budget Committee (copy attached

to official minutes).

  • Only minor revisions were made but it still reflects the current practice of the committee.
  • Role #3 – taking out.
  • Changing Academic Senate committee members to state “up to 3”.
  • This committee will also go to the AERR.

CONSENSUS: The Governance Council agreed to approve the revised draft of the charter for the Budget Committee.

  • Sonja also distributed the “Budget Development Calendar” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • There was concern regarding the timeline for the review of the final budget in September and not in August.
  • The calendar does not reflect the program review ranking process in the budget development process.
  • Dena stated there are some missing key elements to this process, such as ranking and requests, etc. This is evidence on how we approach our budgeting.
  • We will revisit this item at the next meeting.

Facilitator: Greg Golling Recorder: Mark Williams Timekeeper: Brandy Cramer

Next Meeting: November 8, 2013 Meeting Adjourned: 2 pm

Respectfully submitted by:

Melissa Blanco
