April 12, 2013 Meeting


April 12, 2013 12:10 pm – 2:00 pm Cougar Room

Facilitator: Tony Thompson Recorder: Sonja Swenson Timekeeper: Kanoe Bandy

    1. Approval of Minutes of March 8, 2013 —5 minutes
    2. Unanimous approval of minutes.
    1. Strategic Planning Process Evaluation Results (led by Eric Berube) – 20 minutes
    2. Emphasis on Accreditation Process is Planning and we are required to do a periodic evaluation. The link will be left open for those who have not yet completed the online evaluation.
  1. Review of Governance Council Charter (led by Eric Berube) -45 minutes

This is another Accreditation requirement. Copies of charter were passed out and will be included in the minutes of this meeting. Eric reported that there were 22 responses from the campus. If more than 30% disagreed Eric highlighted that on the handout. Eric asked the committee to review the comments on pages 5-11 of the document. Eric asked the group to identify Issue and end Goals Rich discussions about

Issues Action End Goals
Communication -lack of communication to campus community (#6, p7) Utilize TC News Minutes and agendas should be sent out plus a message that is someone has an agenda item they should talk with their representative. Clear and consistent 2 way Communication
Governance Council Membership    
Shared decision making body    
What is the role of the Governance Council   Clearly define our role
Reactive VS Proactive    
Roles need clarification    
IR Director should be a member    
Feedback loop   All TC community feel like they have an opportunity for Active Participation
  • the history of the membership of the Planning Committee/Planning
  • Council/Governance Council and
  • whether or not the GC should only make decisions as specified in the charter, or other decisions impacting the entire campus.

• Should the charter change, or not These discussions will continue at future meetings.

4. Timeline for 2012-13 Program Reviews – Program Goals (led by Tony Thompson) – 20 minutes Flowchart of Non-Personnel and Personnel Request Prioritization Flow Handout distributed by T Thompson and Eric explained and discussed. Questions and clarification about the timeline followed and various members as well as a suggestion that the process begin at a different time in the academic calendar.

    1. Agenda for Governance Council Retreat on April 26, 2013 (led by Tony Thompson) – 15 minutes
    2. Lunch menu has not been decided according to T Thompson. Thompson expressed a desire for the agenda and timelines be flexible. This will be directed at student success at all levels.
  1. Volunteers for Time Keeper and Recorder Responsibilities at the Retreat (led by Tony Thompson) – 5 minutes

Greg record and Velda keep time.

7. Other

Recommendations to Governance Council SPC Climate Survey should be done periodically. Sharyn wants this put on future agenda.

ACTION ITEM: Strategic Planning Climate Survey

Next Meeting: Governance Council Retreat on April 26, 2013

9:00 am – 2:00 pm Cougar Room

Facilitators: Tony Thompson and Dena Maloney Time Keeper: Greg Golling Recorder: Velda Long




April 12, 2013

12:10 pm – 2 pm

Cougar Room

Members Present: Kanoe Bandy, Brandy Cramer, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Sandi Graham, Vicki Herder, Velda Long, Brock McMurray, Sonja Swenson, and Tony Thompson

Members Absent: Patti Bench, Sheri Black, Kamala Carlson, Dena Maloney and Jim Nicholas

Guests: Eric Bérubé, Paul Blake, and Val Garcia

Facilitator: Tony Thompson

Recorder: Sonja Swenson

Timekeeper: Kanoe Bandy

Minutes: Melissa Blanco


The minutes of the meeting held March 8, 2013 were approved by consensus.


(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • Eric stated the evaluations have been distributed to the GC members for them to complete; however, the number of responses received so far is too small to produce any meaningful results.
  • Additional time has been allowed for more participation and the results will be brought back to the next GC meeting.



(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • Eric distributed a handout titled “Charter for the Governance Council (GC)” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • A major concern regarding the charter was the “Role of the Governance Council” and how it reads.
  • GC members questioned what role they have with any item that does not come from either the SPC or the BC.



(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

Eric distributed a handout titled “Evaluation of Governance Council Charter Evaluation: Comments – April 12, 2013” (copy attached to official minutes).

Eric reviewed the results and comments of the evaluation of the GC charter and highlighted some items that seemed to be an issue or concern.

Eric asked the GC members to provide identify issues, actions, and end goals to address as a result of the evaluation. The following were listed:

Issues Action End Goals
Lack of communication to campus community Utilize TC News


Minutes and agendas should be sent out plus a message that is someone has an agenda item they should talkwith their representative.

Clear and consistent 2 way Communication
Governance Council Membership/Voting Members    
Shared Governance –Is GC truly a shared decision making body?    
What is the role of the Governance Council   Clearly define our role
Reactive VS Proactive    
Roles need clarification    
Revise Charter   Clearlydefineandcommuni-cate our role/expand the role of GC
Participation   All TC community feel like they have an opportunity for Active Participation

Governance Council

April 12, 2013

Page 3

  • The item was tabled for further discussion at the next GC meeting.


*Agenda Item: Continued discussion of the issues, actions, and goals identified in the evaluation of

the GC charter


(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • Eric distributed a handout titled “Non-Personnel and Personnel Request Prioritization Flow for 2014-2015 Academic Year” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • One of the 2009 Accreditation issues was tying the budget to planning process.     Along with the development of the program review process, the SPC put together this timeline to assist in tying the budget process with planning.
  • The timeline depicts the flow of events for non-personnel and personnel requests/goals.


*Agenda Item: The SPC will look at the timeline which was presented and develop different scenarios

with various time frames for the flow of events and present them at the next meeting.

Agenda for Governance Council Retreat on April 26, 2013

(Led by Tony Thompson, Academic Senate President and Co-Chair)

  • Tony briefly reviewed the agenda set for the GC retreat on April 26, 2013.
  • Many GC members were disappointed with the time allowed for the guest speaker and feel that it is not adequate time given the importance of this item.
  • GC members also felt the retreat was being “crammed” into a short time frame and may not be productive.
  • Tony asked the GC members to be flexible that day.
  • Greg Golling will be recorder and Velda Long will be time keeper.


*Action Item: Tony will present these concerns to Dena and suggest extending the guest speaker’s   time or the time of the retreat.

Governance Council

April 12, 2013

Page 4


  • Eric distributed two handouts titled “Recommendations to Governance Council From Strategic Planning Committee April 12, 2012” and “Recommendations” (copies attached to official minutes).
  • A recommendation to implement a “Climate Survey” will allow the college to collect data to assess the climate of the campus and the community and assist in accreditation.
  • Another recommendation was to utilize “suggestion boxes” in the process for collecting information on campus climate.
  • This topic was tabled for further discussion at the next scheduled GC meeting.


*Agenda Item: Continued discussion on the SPC recommendations

Facilitator: TBD

Recorder: TBD

Timekeeper: TBD

Next Meeting: Friday, May 10, 2013 at 12:10 pm

Meeting Adjourned: 2:05 pm

Respectfully submitted by:

Melissa Blanco

*Agenda Item: Continued discussion of the issues, actions, and goals identified in the evaluation of

the GC charter

*Agenda Item: The SPC will look at the timeline which was presented and develop different scenarios

with various time frames for the flow of events and present them at the next meeting.

*Action Item: Tony will present these concerns to Dena and suggest extending the guest speaker’s   time or the time of the retreat.

*Agenda Item: Continued discussion on the SPC recommendations
