September 28, 2022 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


  1. Welcome


  1. Approval of Minutes from August meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


4. TCFCBC Update

  • Added English 1501 to the current language for class size limit 25.
  • Academic Calendar 2024-2025
  • Teaching Dual Enrollment at TUHS contract language update
  • Coaching


  1. Other


Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 12:10pm, in Cougar Room (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

September 28, 2022 Minutes

Welcome & Introductions

President Payne welcomed faculty.


Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the corrected minutes was made by M. Oja with a 2nd from K. Carlson. The motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report

  1. Mitchell reported an overall balance of $15699.76 before lunch. D. Mitchell reported that a student who was awarded an FA scholarship for the 21/22 academic year was unable to be admitted to the university of their choice. Student requested that scholarship be forwarded to the next academic year. The association discussed and agreed to award the scholarship to the recipient this academic year.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update:

1. Added English 1501 to the current language for class size limit 25.

President Payne updated the faculty that during the creation of the new ENGL 1501 course, the addition of the enrollment limit language was overlooked from update to the contract.   After discussion with both the division and VPI, Leslie Minor it was agreed that the enrollment limits of ENGL 1500 would apply to the course. A motion to include ENGL 1501 in section was made by G. Dyer with 2nd from D. Mitchell.  The motion carried.

2. Academic Calendar 2024-2025

President Payne updated the faculty that during the October meeting a subcommittee would be formed to review the calendar.  Faculty requested observance of Veteran’s day on Veteran’s day, if possible.

3. Teaching Dual Enrollment at TUHS contract language update

President Payne reported that the current MOU was a pilot run for the teaching language for faculty. The team will be working on drafting permanent language for the contract and would return to the Faculty Association for ratification.

4. Coaching

President Payne reported that discussions have begun to clear up the contract language regarding payment of coaches.  All faculty will be updated as the team works on the language.



President Payne alerted all faculty that the new pay increase would be included on the end of the September check and encouraged everyone to check it for accuracy.


President Payne reported that the STRS reports were out and could be accessed via the STRS website.


President Payne reported that Faculty Leave reports were emailed out.  Faculty were encouraged to review the documents for accuracy.


President Payne reminded faculty the 5.4.1 of contract allows for a non-deducted 7 hours of PNL leave benefit.  Faculty are encouraged to use that first and to notate it on the absence report for first use of PNL/SICK leave.


President Payne reported that the District reported no interest in offering a sabbatical leave in the 23/24 academic year.  Superintendent/President McMurray reported that he was waiting for the impact of budget and the hold harmless clause. Faculty requested that the bargaining team continue to advocate for the offering of a sabbatical to faculty.


President Payne reminded faculty that the evaluation cycle was about to begin.  All faculty should have been emailed regarding their evaluation status for the year.  Tenure track faculty were reminded that observations by Distance Education were limited to one course of their choosing.


President Payne alerted all faculty that the new salary schedules had been approved.  The posting on the website was pending action by HR.  Hard copies were made available during the meeting.


President Payne addressed an email concern from the Social Science Division faculty member J. Altenhofel regarding the assignment courses in overload to non-teaching full time faculty vs. adjunct faculty assignments.  President Payne reminded the faculty that the contract does not differentiate between non-teaching and teaching faculty. The adjunct term does not apply to full-time faculty. Full-time faculty may work in overload and have extra duty assignments but they are never adjuncts. Section 6.5 states that tenured faculty are given first consideration. First consideration is explained in section 6.5.1 full-time faculty meeting minimum qualifications are always assigned before an adjunct. A list of eligible adjunct faculty is emailed to all division chairs at the beginning of each academic year.


Faculty member inquired about contract language regarding committee assignments and required hours of participation.  President Payne clarified that faculty required participation is 75% of 10 hours of meetings associated with each committee assignment.


President Payne alerted all faculty that Club Advisor stipends were forwarded to board for approval with corresponding compensation pending processing by HR.



Adjourned at 12:56pm


Next Tentative Meeting: Wednesday, October 26, 2022, Location: Cougar Room (Every 4th Wednesday

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