April 27, 2022 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, April 27, 2022


  1. Welcome


  1. Approval of Minutes from March meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update


    1. Academic Freedom
    2. SLO Coordinator
    3. CVC/OEI update


  1. Scholarships


  1. Nomination for TCFCBC Team


  1. Officer Nominations for 2022-23


  1. Other


Next Meeting: Tentatively, August 17, 2022(Fall in-service), 12:10pm, Location: Cougar  Room (Unsure about lunch but it will be provided if possible)


Taft College Faculty Association

April 27, 2022 Minutes


Welcome & Introductions

President Payne welcomed faculty and called the meeting to order at 12:10pm.


Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the corrected minutes was made by G. Golling with a 2nd from V. Jacobi, abstained by T. Thompson. The motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report

  1. Mitchell reported an overall balance of $19,423.88 before lunch and scholarship donations.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update:

  1. Academic Freedom – President Payne reported the Academic Freedom language developed by the TCFCBC subcommittee was presented at the last bargaining meeting and consensus was reached. The language was sent out via email with the other meeting documents. President Payne shared the language with Academic Senate President S. Eveland and S. Eveland stated the language looked good. A motion by M. Oja with a 2nd from A. Abbott to ratify the language and add it to the contract. The motion was unanimously approved.
  2. SLO Coordinator – President Payne reported that consensus was reached to change the SLO Coordinator release time from 40% to 50% beginning Fall 2022. She thanked T. Mendoza for the information she provided regarding this topic. A motion by S. Eveland with a 2nd from M. Oja to ratify the change. The motion was unanimously approved.
  3. CVC/OEI Update – President Payne asked A. Bledsoe to report on behalf of the subcommittee formed to address this issue. A. Bledsoe reported the committee is not recommending any contract language to address this issue at this time. The committee is concerned about unintended consequences of such language and this was further confirmed by the CTA legal representative. There was discussion and differing opinions regarding who owns the material in a CVC/OEI badge course (the instructor or the District). A. Bledsoe stated that when he was the Director of Distance Learning the practice was not to share an instructor’s course materials without the instructor’s consent. The bargaining team will continue to monitor developments in this area and respond on a case- by-case basis should any conflicts arise.
  4. COLA – President Payne reported that COLA is usually discussed during the May TCFCBC meeting which typically falls before the May Revise is released and therefore the issue is tabled until the August meeting and/or until the Frey report is received. The administration asked for this topic to be on the April TCFCBC agenda and to cancel the May TCFCBC meeting. COLA will be an agenda item on the August TCFCBC agenda.



President Payne thanked the scholarship committee for their work and reminded everyone that TCFA scholarships are awarded to Faculty member’s relatives and students pursuing careers in education who submit applications through the local TC scholarship program.


Amount Status Name ID
 $   500.00 Graduate Dodson, Chloe A00303768
 $   500.00 Graduate Chaidez, Jaquelyn A00309784
 $   500.00 Graduate Anderson, Kristina A00096862
 $   500.00 Non-Graduate Jarrahian, Roxana A00308711
 $   425.00 Graduate Neudorf, Emma A00303891
 $   425.00 Graduate Cisneros, Yasmin A00300282
 $   425.00 Graduate Huerta Arechiga, Maria A00298240
 $   425.00 Graduate Espinoza, Elijah A00308098
 $   425.00 Graduate Harris, Natasha A00305223
 $   400.00 Graduate McMillon, Shiloh A00036693
 $   400.00 Graduate Brown, Taylor A00300133
 $   275.00 Non-Graduate Bocanegra, Sarai A00320132
 $   275.00 Non-Graduate Navarro, Luisa A00307010
 $   275.00 Non-Graduate Gee, Ariel A00320170
 $   250.00 Non-Graduate Chavira, Jazmyn A00313870
 $  6,000.00 Total    


Nomination for TCFCBC Team

President Payne reported that the TCFCBC team member position currently held by A. Bledsoe is up for re-election. President Payne asked for nominations for this position and A. Bledsoe was nominated by S. Eveland with a 2nd by T. Thompson. No additional nominations were made therefore A. Bledsoe was unanimously elected by acclamation.


Officer Nominations for 2022-23

President Payne asked for nominations for the office of President. R. Payne was nominated by A. Bledsoe with a 2nd by G. Golling. No additional nominations were made therefore R. Payne was unanimously elected by acclamation.

President Payne asked for nominations for the office of Vice-President. G. Golling was nominated by R. Payne with a 2nd by A. Abbott. No additional nominations were made therefore G. Golling was unanimously elected by acclamation.

President Payne asked for nominations for the office of Secretary. J. Rangel-Escobedo was nominated by D. Jones with a 2nd by L. Travis. No additional nominations were made therefore J. Rangel-Escobedo was unanimously elected by acclamation.

President Payne asked for nominations for the office of Treasurer. D. Mitchell was nominated by J. Chaidez with a 2nd by G. Golling. No additional nominations were made therefore D. Mitchell was unanimously elected by acclamation.



  1. Golling reported the 50% Law committee met and the District believes they are on track to meet the 50% Law. B. McMurray did caution that the District needs FTES and should be cautious with class cancellations.


President Payne reminded everyone their annual placement reports should be received by May 10, 2022. She encouraged everyone to review their report and notify her and HR immediately of any errors.


President Payne reported the mandatory Title 9 training recording is available to view if any Faculty members missed the two previous training dates. She encouraged Faculty members to contact HR if they need to view the recording because it is only available for a limited time.


President Payne is still awaiting a response from the VPI regarding the details of Cultural Curriculum Audit track that will be offered face-to-face during the May inservice (May 23-25). The second track is online Monday and Wednesday with a on campus training on Tuesday with the first part of the day being Accessibility and the second being Guided Pathways. She is also waiting on a decision from the VPI regarding if Faculty members can earn credit for both tracks.


President Payne congratulated T. Thompson on his pending retirement and thanked him for his 35 years of service to the students and District. On behalf of the Association T. Thompson will receive a custom chair as a gift to commemorate his retirement.


President Payne reported that the grievance filed against the District for violating the contract has been resolved. The fulltime Faculty member whose class was given to an adjunct has been paid in full for the class.


  1. Altenhofel reported she believes labor code 2802 requires employers to reimburse employees who are required to work from home for work related expenses. She asked the Association’s opinion on the District reimbursing Faculty members for work related expenses that occurred while working from home during the pandemic. There was discussion and differing opinions between Faculty members regarding this topic. President Payne asked anyone who felt they had expenses that should be reimbursed to forward that information to her via email.


President Payne wished everyone a smooth ending to the semester.


Adjourned at 1:00pm


Next Meeting: Tentatively, Wednesday, August 17, 2022, (Fall Inservice) Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided, details to follow)

Supporting Docs

