February 23, 2018 Meeting
Accessibility (508) Oversight Committee
Admin 116
February 23, 2018
- Welcome
- Introductions
- Review Charter
- Committee Voting Structure
- Website Accessibility Software (Jason)
- Other Business
- Meeting Adjourned
Date the future meetings: March 23rd, April 27th, and May 25th
Friday, February 23, 2018
Counseling Conference Room
10:10 am – 11:00 am
MEMBERS PRESENT: Amar Abbott, Daniel Hall, Jason Zsiba, Terri Smith, Vick Jacobi, Kayla Meyer-Denver, and Melissa Blanco (Recorder)
- Amar welcomed the members and thanked everyone for attending.
- He also explained the purpose of the committee is to accommodate everyone, not just those with disabilities, with access to learning and facilities as a whole.
- Those present introduced themselves and their role at Taft College.
- Amar distributed a copy of the charter for the committee members to review.
- Committee members agreed they should also address all accessibility needs for the District including facilities issues.
- Amar stated Administrative policies and procedures have been established for accessibility.
- Vicki suggested some changes to the wording which addresses who the committee reports to. She suggested the committee submit recommendations to the VPSS, Co-Chair of the committee. The VPSS then would submit recommendation to the President.
- It was suggested to look at the membership and include another classified representative possibly from the TIL departments and also student with and without disabilities.
- Amar suggested each member present would have a vote, but if the vote resulted in a tie then the VPSS, Co-Chair, would be the tie-breaker.
- Jason Zsiba has been working in the dark on addressing accessibility issues with the District’s website.
- The website was created by a third-party so this makes things more difficult to address.
- Jason stated there are hefty fines for not providing the minimum required accessibility tools necessary for navigation of the website.
- Jason stated places like Bakersfield College are being sued for not having the appropriate accessibility tools.
- The District needs to begin addressing accessibility and properly address their efforts and actions. The District must show good faith.
- Jason suggested the District working with a vendor to address accessibility issues with our website and access to materials on the TC Website.
- Two vendors Jason has been looking into are as follows:
- Site Improve
- Monsido
- Documents need to be in the right format (html), closed-captioned needs to be addressed for videos, and alternative textbooks need to be provided in accessible format.
- Amar stated when a faculty member submits a request for textbooks for their class that it should be “mandatory” to select alternative textbooks not “optional”.
- Terri volunteered to be the “Guinea pig” for when she selects her new textbook for reading ability/alternative format.
- Amar asked Jason to email out information on the two vendors for the committee to review and for him to select a vendor of his choice to do a demonstration at the next Accessibility Oversight Committee.
- Committee members strongly believe facilities accessibility issues should be addressed also such as the heavy doors at the library and cafeteria.
- Vicki asked if there is a budget for this committee and who is responsible?
- Amar stated this should be under the responsibility of all departments since accessibility is necessary in all areas.
- Vicki suggested funds from the Equity would be a good source of revenue for some costs.
Next Meeting: March 23, 2018, 10:10 am -11:00 am, Cafeteria Conference Room