October 17, 2014 Meeting


Access Meeting Agenda  (10-17-14)


  1. Student Panel- Next Steps
  2. WordPress
  3. Equity Plan
  4. Enrollment Management
  5. Title IX Notes- what does ‘equity’ mean in sports
  6. Next steps


Access Meeting Agenda (10-17-14)

  1. Student Panel-Next Steps

Since the student panel couldn’t meet today, this will be rescheduled for our November !ccess meeting.

  1. Vohnout will contact Adam Hightower to coordinate this.
  2. WordPress

D.Vohnout has been working on the WordPress site for the Access Committee. She showed the committee members the webpage and will send out the link to everyone. The site now includes minutes, agendas, and the charter, as well as a calendar of events. The site is a work in progress.

  1. Equity Plan

Mark received support from Dena and Darcy for the Access committee to complete the Equity Plan. This is a report that is done every three years and is due January 1, 2015. This is a new plan and has new money attached. The Access committee will work on the report and submit it Governance who is the deciding body. M. Williams states that the Equity Plan is highly prescribed, and that there is a template format. Discussion continued regarding the data behind the plan. What data do we need and what analysis tools do we use? V. Jacobi mentioned using SPSS as well as the work S. Eveland has done. A. Bledsoe also mentioned that EDD students from Cal State Bakersfield are regularly looking for data, so this may be a resource in the future.

  1. Enrollment Management
  2. Williams shared a spreadsheet that showed each required course for BSAD, when they were taken, and what other courses were taken by students who had declared BSAD as a major as well as students who were acting like BSAD majors. This can be used for enrollment management and scheduling purposes. If there is a course that several students need in order to graduate, the students can be contacted regarding what time frame that course should be offered, and then we can offer that course

when it meets most students’ needs. This information can be pulled for any major.

  1. Title IX Notes-what does ‘equity’ mean in sports

We didn’t get to this item as time ran out.

  1. Next steps
  2. Williams will send out the equity plan template