October 10, 2014 Meeting


Access Committee Agenda – 10.10.14
1. Review of Charter
a. Committee membership – others?
2. The work ahead
a. Student Success
b. Equity
c. Accreditation

3. Focus
a. Enrollment Management
b. Role of Students
c. Coherence in Planning
d. Campus communication/climate/culture

4. Meetings
a. Once/month?
b. Regular email
c. WordPress site

a. http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html
b. Please review this website – TC training materials to follow


Access Committee Agenda – 10.10.14

Members Present: J. Altenhofel, A. Bledsoe, D. Hall, D. Vohnout, M. Williams, ASB Representative V. Garcia

Members Absent: V. Jacobi

  1. Review of Charter
  2. Committee membership – others?

The committee decided to keep the group a small working group and to bring in others as needed. Others may be brought in for work on a project or to provide background information as needed.

  1. The work ahead
  2. Student Success
  3. Equity
  4. Accreditation


  1. Williams provided an additional handout “Equity as the Basis for Success” which defines equity as the 80% rule. The group with the highest “achievement” level becomes the target group and the goal for all

other groups is to meet 80% of the target group. Several examples using the Taft College Scorecard were reviewed. M. Williams also said that he will have A. Bledsoe trained in Cognos.

  1. Focus
  2. Enrollment Management
  3. Role of Students
  4. Coherence in Planning
  5. Campus communication/climate/culture


The committee decided to work on both enrollment management and the role of students in tandem. With scheduling for the Fall semester beginning in March, the committee decided to begin with a focus on enrollment management. The committee will also meet next Friday with an advisory group made up

of five to six students to get a better idea of what the issues are from students’ perspectives. V. Garcia,

the ASB representative, will identify and invite the students to meet with us next week.

  1. Meetings
  2. Once/month?
  3. Regular email
  4. WordPress site


The Access committee is scheduled to meet once a month but have decided to meet again in one week with the student advisory group. M. Williams said his preference is to have working meetings as well as work individually and to be in contact electronically between meetings. D. Vohnout will work with J. Zsiba who has been developing the WordPress site. D. Vohnout will post agendas/minutes and other information to the WordPress site.

  1. FERPA
  2. http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html
  3. Please review this website – TC training materials to follow