December 17, 2014 Meeting


Access Committee Agenda

Meeting Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Meeting Time: 11:10am-12:00pm Meeting Location: Counseling Conference Room Committee Members: J. Altenhofel, A. Bledsoe, D. Hall, V. Jacobi, D. Vohnout, and M. Williams


  1. Implement the Equity Plan Workflow -create a calendar and work schedule governing the implementation of the Student Equity Plan; create regular communication with councils, committees and taskforces; schedule daily/weekly progress updates, written reports to stakeholders and completion review meetings.
  2. Discussion of hiring a categorically funded classified position
  3. Engage the campus in conversations to further identify Student Equity strategies and prioritize committee and taskforce actions. (This work will drive the longer-range goals leading into years 2, 3 and beyond).
  4. Dual enrollment conference: Early & Middle Colleges & Duel Enrollment Programs Conference (1/30/15)
  5. Facilitate the creation of a professional development program on evidence-based decision making.
  6. Cognos training
  7. Other?


  • Schedule campus discussions aimed at understanding demographic issues.
  • Begin developing student worker support of new student programs, by hiring and training two student workers to help coordinate the effort.


  1. Next steps to hire 1-2 student workers to help staff/run the equity student workers

Next Meeting:

Scheduled during inservice: January 9th from 10-11am.


