May 16, 2012 Meeting


Academic Senate Meeting

Taft College

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Cougar Conference Room



Call to Order

Public Commentary Approval of Minutes


 Announcement: 5 day in-service in August with planning days on 22 and 23 (Devine) Vote for New Executive (Devine)

Special Admit High School Students (Darcy Bogle) Program Staffing (Sam Aunai)

Program Discontinuance Policy (Devine)


President’s Report Announcements Adjournment


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes May 16, 2012

11:45 am, Cougar Room


Present: Oops. Sorry guys, I forgot to check to see who was present and who was absent.


Call to Order – Meeting began at 11:45 am Public Commentary – None

Approval of Minutes – Motion to approve the minutes from previous meeting was made by Diane Jones and seconded by Jessica Grimes. Ratified Unanimously



Michelle reminded everyone that the planning days for the August inservice are scheduled for August 22nd and 23rd.

The following persons were nominated for officers for 2012-13: President: Tony Thompson

Vice- President: David Layne Secretary: no nominations

Motion to elect the officer listed above was made by Dave Berry and seconded by Mike Mayfield. Ratified Unanimously

Discussion regarding special admit high school students included questions about how faculty are going to be notified when they have special admit high school students enrolled in their classed and also other special admit students. The policy under consideration maintains a Faculty member’s right to deny access to a special admit high school student if the Faculty member feels that the student is not mature enough to handle to content of the course. Faculty members will begin being notified for the Fall 2012 semester. Faculty agreed to maintain their right to approve access to their courses. Sharyn reminded Faculty that special admit high school students will not be able to enroll in courses until the Faculty member grants approval so please pay attention to those requests and not hold up a student’s registration process.

Sam Aunai explained three upcoming new positions that are being funded by Perkins funds. (see handout) The temporary, one-year positions (may be continued, if funding continues) are for a Career Counselor, Academic Advisor, and Career


Technician. In 2011-12, Taft College received approximately $103,000 in Perkins funds and for 2012-13, Taft College will receive approximately $700,000. Sam explained this increase was due to better reporting of our CTE numbers, which made TC eligible for additional funds. Please contact him if you have additional questions.

Bill asked if everyone had read the Program Discontinuance Policy that he had sent out via email. Eric Berube asked if the policy contained information regarding a substantive change report that would need to be sent to the accrediting commission when a program is discontinued. Bill responded that the Administration is responsible for generating that report, if necessary. Bill said that this policy was similar to policies at other institutions. A motion to approve the policy was made by David Layne and seconded by Sharyn Eveland. Ratified Unanimously

Diane Jones thanked Bill Devine for his service as Academic President for the past four years.

Adjournment – Bill adjourned the meeting at 12:45pm.
