December 03, 2012 Meeting


Academic Senate Meeting

 Taft College

 Monday, December 3, 2012


Cougar Conference Room


Call to Order


Public Commentary


Approval of Minutes – November 5, 2012




  1. Budget Committee Update – David Layene – 5 minutes


  1. Curriculum Committee Update – David Layne – 5 minutes


  1. AP/CLEP Credit Resolution – Darcy Bogle – 10 minutes


  1. High School Special Admit – Darcy Bogle – 10 minutes



Unfinished Business – Subcommittee of Eric Berube, Vicki Herder, Dave Berry will update at January meeting during In-Service

President’s Report –Fall Plenary Session

Next Meeting – Tuesday, January 15th, 12:00-2:00pm


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, December 3, 2012 Cougar Conference Room



Attendees: Jennifer Altenhofel, Darcy Bogle, Kamala Carlson, Joe’ll Chaidez, Bill Devine, Sharyn Eveland, Shelly Getty, Greg Golling, Gary Graupman, Jessica Grimes, Vicki Herder, Brian Jean, Diane Jones,

David Layne, Tim Markowitz, Julian Martinez, Mariza Martinez, Mike Mayfield, Michelle Oja, Ruby Payne, Joseph Polizzotto, Robin Polski, Jeff Ross, Sonja Swenson, Susan Vaughn, Linda West

The meeting was called to order at 12:11 p.m.


Public Commentary




Review of November 5, 2012 Senate Minutes


The minutes were approved as presented.


Budget Committee Update      David Layne


David informed the group that the Vice President of Administrative Services is on extended leave. No further information has been released at this time.

Curriculum Committee Update      David Layne


New guidelines regarding prerequisites, corequisites, and advisories have been released by the Chancellor’s Office. In addition, all TMCs (Transfer Model Curriculum) should be completed and approved by 2014. David reported that the committee is working diligently on these issues, as well as routine curriculum committee functions.


AP/CLEP Credit Resolution       Darcy Bogle


The statewide Academic Senate has released resolutions supporting inclusion of AP and CLEP exam credits to meet community college general education requirements. The resolutions include a list of CCC GE area equivalences for each AP and CLEP examination, passing scores, and minimum units to award. Darcy reported that we are seeing an increase in students coming in with AP and CLEP credits. She is currently working on a process to standardize the AP and CLEP credits to meet TC general education requirements. AP credits are already accepted at the CSU and UC level. CLEP credits are accepted at the CSU, but not the UC level. Using AP and CLEP credits to meet major requirements is a more complicated issue. Division chairs will need to establish course equivalency and determine whether or not to include the units to satisfy major requirements in addition to GE requirements.


A motion was made to adopt and approve the statewide Academic Senate resolutions and template regarding AP exam credits for Taft College. The motion was made by Bill Devine and seconded by Vicki Herder. The motion carried.

A motion was made to adopt and approve the statewide Academic Senate resolutions and template regarding CLEP exam credits for Taft College. The motion was made by Bill Devine and seconded by Jeff Ross. The motion carried.

High School Special Admit        Darcy Bogle


Darcy reported that there have been many changes to the High School Special Admit Policy. The changes will go into effect beginning with the Spring 2013 semester. High school special admits must be at least 16 years of age and have completed their sophomore year of high school. They must take an assessment test and meet with a counselor. Their enrollment will be limited to transfer level classes with the exception of MATH 1060. They will now have to obtain instructor approval prior to enrolling to ensure class content is age appropriate for underage students. After the student obtains the appropriate instructor signature, he or she will be cleared to enroll. Once enrolled, students should be treated as any other adult student.


Unfinished Business    Tony Thompson


The subcommittee formed to study the sabbatical policy will report to the Senate at the January meeting.


 President’s Report      Tony Thompson


Tony reported that the Senate hiring recommendations are in process and are moving forward. He will send out an update on December 14th after Dr. Dena Maloney talks to the Board of Trustees.

Tony distributed information from the Academic Senate Fall Plenary Session held in November in Irvine and reported on his impressions of the session. He stated that more participation is needed and he believes funds are available for others who might want to participate. He asked that you let him know if you would like to attend the spring session in San Francisco.

Tony also stated that although our fiscal status has improved with the passage of Proposition 30, we should not have a false sense of security and should manage the funds wisely. It is projected the funding will allow an additional 20,000 students to enroll in California community colleges.




Brian Jean expressed his dissatisfaction with the IT Services Department and felt it might be appropriate for the Senate to submit a “Vote of No Confidence” for the Director of IT Services to Dr. Dena Maloney. Brian stated dissatisfaction over a number of issues including the loss of servers that were not backed up, unreliability of the wireless network, and no tracking on IT service requests.


Since the time allocated for the meeting was running short, Tony asked that we place the topic on the January agenda to allow time for further discussion and to collect more information.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:03 p.m.


The next meeting is scheduled during Spring 2013 in-service activities. Respectfully submitted by



Linda West


Academic Senate Secretary
