March 05, 2012 Meeting


Academic Senate Meeting

Taft College

Monday, March, 2012


Cougar Conference Room



Call to Order

Public Commentary Approval of Minutes


 Nominations for executive committee positions (Devine) Special admit high school students (Bogle)

Grants Update (Val Garcia)


Unfinished Business Priority Registration Program Elimination Policy


President’s Report Announcements Adjournment


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes March 5, 2012

12:00pm, Cougar Room


Present: President Bill Devine, Vice President Michelle Beasely, Secretary Geoffrey Dyer, Juana Rangel- Escobedo, Sharyn Eveland, Vicki Herder, Wayne Downey, Ruby Payne, Shelly Getty, Dave Berry, Christopher Chung-Wee, Craig Johnson, David Reynolds, Mike Mayfield, Tony Thompson, Jack Gallon, Sonja Swenson, Eric Berube, Jo’ell Chaidez, David layne, Lourdes Gonzales, Diane jones, Brian Jean, Darcy Bogle, Val Garcia (guest)



  • Call to Order. Bill Devine called the meeting to order at 12:10.


  • Public Commentary.


  • Review of February 6 Minutes. Jack Gallon moved to approve the minutes. David Layne Minutes approved.


  • Grants Update. Summary—Val Garcia gave an extensive presentation on existing grants at TC, referencing pertinent regulations, procedures, and He delineated existing programs funded by existing grants and responded to questions faculty raised. Diane Jones requested information clarifying the exact funding source of specific positions funded by grants, which he said he “would be happy” to send out. Craig Johnson expressed his concern about new positions being created under short-term grants, the subsequent push to institutionalize those positions, and the ongoing existence of unfunded positions, like fulltime faculty in Criminal Justice Administration, which are not funded by grants and may have been vacant longer than fulltime positions that are institutionalized after the expiration of a grant. Bill Devine explained that the senate is seeking a procedure for using grant funds to define fulltime positions and asked Val Garcia for his perspective. Val stated that from the perspective of the Department of Education, such a procedure was each institution’s prerogative to define.


  • Special Admit High School Students. Summary—Darcy Bogle presented a draft of the document “Special Admit High School Policy/Procedures,” the result of ongoing work completed by a special task force with faculty representation from instruction and counseling. The draft policy became the springboard for a robust and multifaceted discussion involving whether it was suitable, appropriate, or possible for special admit students to obtain instructor’s consent before enrolling in a course; whether it is fair, appropriate, or legal through Title 5 for special admit students to receive priority registration (in light of the current state of impacted enrollment); and whether or not special admit students should be able to participate in clubs such as The discussion shifted away from the agenda item and toward the subject of priority registration in general—how many students receive it (Darcy estimated 800) and whether or not that is in the best interest of students. Darcy Bogle suggested that the priority registration process be refined. The discussion dissolved into several sidebar conversations.


  • The meeting was not adjourned. Many faculty stayed well beyond 1:00, speaking in small groups about the last agenda item.


  • Nominations for Executive Committee The issue was not addressed in the meeting, as there was not enough time. Subsequent to the meeting, President Bill Devine sent information regarding forthcoming vacancies in the offices of President, Vice-President, and Secretary of the Academic Senate through email. Nominations were made, and the issue is slated for discussion on the agenda of the April 12, 2012 meeting.


–Minutes submitted by Geoffrey Dyer on April, 2012, as summarized from his handwritten notes from the meeting. If more detail is required, please contact him. Also, refer to the draft or “Special Admit High School Policy/Procedures” and to Val Garcia’s PowerPoint presentation delineating the status and implementation of existing Taft College grants.
