California Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids

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Our mission is to help students acquire employable skills and training that will make them self-sufficient. The CalWORKs Coordinator helps coordinate the student’s Welfare-to-Work (WTW) plan to support the student in meeting their participation requirements.

CalWORKs funds are for the purpose of assisting welfare recipient students and those in transition off of welfare to achieve long term self-sufficiency through coordinated student services offered at community colleges including: work study, job placement, child care, coordination, curriculum development and redesign, and under certain conditions post-employment skills training, and instructional services.

Eligibility and Services

Eligibility Requirements

  • Two-parent or single-parent household
  • Parent(s) and child must be a CalWORKs/TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) recipient
  • No unit minimum – students can take credit or non-credit courses
  • Approved Welfare-to-Work plan from the Department of Human Services

Services Provided

  • Counseling services (academic, career, transfer, and personal)
  • Individualized education plans
  • Associated Student Organization (ASO) & Book vouchers
  • Educational supplies
  • Case management and tracking of student progress
  • Referrals to on-campus and off-campus resources
  • Priority registration
  • Work-Study employment, as eligible

How To Apply

  1. Complete the Taft College EOPS/CARE & CalWORKs Application by clicking here!
  2. Bring in a copy of your Welfare-to-Work plan or Activity Plan
  3. Complete the CalWORKs Student Contract
  4. Schedule an appointment to meet with an EOPS/CARE & CalWORKs Counselor

If you are not already receiving CalWORKs, contact your local Department of Human Services to apply.

Meet Our Staff
