December 19, 2014 Meeting


December 19, 2014
Counseling Conference Room
8:10- 9:00 am
1. Welcome
2. Approval of the Minutes
3. Continue discussion about review and approval of SLOs
4. Develop a review process
5. Dialogue Day Discussion
6. Discuss Next Meeting –day, time , & length of meeting
7. Happy Holidays


Friday, December 19, 2014

8:10 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Counseling Conference Room

Present: Vicki Jacobi, Michael Jiles, Mark Williams, Brandy Young

  • Approval of Minutes from November 21, 2014 – Approved without changes.
  • Continue discussion about review and approval of SLOs


Points of discussion:

  • Is there a thread between CSLOs within a discipline?
  • Does there need to be a common theme among CSLOs within a discipline?
  • Discussed the objective criteria/standards of what an CSLO should have:
    • Currency (current event content)
    • Skills content
    • ISLO alignment
    • Discipline Content
    • Measurable


  1. Develop a review process


  • The committee will create a vetting process for SLO and COR integration. For example: Advisory committees and/or faculty will develop a COR and CSLOs. The SLO committee will review the SLOs to see if they contain the set criteria that is listed above. Once reviewed, the COR/CSLOs will be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee for approval.
  • The SLO committee should not be the body that reviews the COR for content.
  • Training for all faculty should be made available on Fridays.


  1. Dialogue Day – This item was not discussed.
  2. Discuss next meeting – day/time and length – This item was not discussed.