February 09, 2016 Meeting



Tuesday, February 9, 2016

12:00 am – 1:00 pm

Conference Room


The College Facilities Committee is a participatory committee primarily responsible for long range facilities planning for the college as well as establishing goals related to enacting the facilities plan. In all its actions, the committee must place the highest value on building communication and trust with the entire college community, and in using consensus to reach its decisions.



  1. Review Minutes from December 15, 2015
  2. Student Center – Update
  3. Land Acquisition Plan – Update
  4. Project Updates 
  5. Foundation Space
  6. Other



Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Members Present: Adrian Agundez, Brock McMurray, Steve Lytle, Deborah Rodenhauser, Jose Vargas, Kent Miller, Mark Williams, Claudia Casagrande, Marisa Slayton, Mike Capela, Stacie Rancano, Mark Gibson, and Sarah Criss, recorder.


Members Absent: Darcy Bogle and Carla Sandoval


Guest: Shelley Klein


  1. Minutes from December 15, 2015 Minutes from the December 15, 2015 meeting were approved by consensus.
  2. Student Center – Update The DSA approved plans are now at the printers; copies will be available to interested contractors. The bid will be advertised twice, beginning next week and again in March. The bid will open on April 5 and will hopefully conclude its process in time for the WKCCD regular Board meeting in May. Bids that come in will have the option to opt for alternative options in the plan, to accommodate possible cost increases from when the plan was first drawn about four years ago.Thecurrent contractor market is affected by our local oil industry recession. Currently, the contractors who typically bid at the lower contract rates are not as active. Also, the scope of the Student Center project places this job in a higher level of contractor expertise. Costs for this bid will be watched closely.After the selected bid is Board approved, the contractor has 30-45 days to prepare for construction onset. The insurance, permit, and planning will be done during that mobilization period. The first steps will include staging and the beginning steps to demolish the current facilities.
  3. Land Acquisition Plan – Update The Land Acquisition Plan is a piece of the District’s Master Plan. The intention of this piece is to identify needs and options for the land/space needs for the district’s growth. Kevin Cobb of AP Architects distributed the draft of the Land Acquisition Plan for members to review. Some overview points included:
  • The athletic facilities are the first priority. The goal is to have the athletic facilities located on land not as close to campus, to free up space for the other areas to grow on or near campus.
  • Housing – District prefers to keep housing near to campus. At this time, they are planning to replace/update the 100 bed option that is currently being used.
  • Offsite locations – WESTEC/Welding – These may remain off campus, on a site convenient to need and cost of the program.
  • Student Services/Library Expansion – These facilities need to remain on campus and are currently landlocked. At time the facilities were updated it was known they would need further room for growth. This was a part of the plan. While a bit more difficult due to limited options, the movement from other areas/programs will allow growth opportunity. The growth of these facilities also include the need for more parking options.
  • Parking – This is an ongoing need/plan. The district does need parking however this particular part of the Land Acquisition Plan can be completed in phases as the land/space allow.

Brock McMurray asked the members present to share this plan with their areas/departments and to gather feedback for next meeting. This plan needs to be reviewed/approved so that it then may proceed to the Governance Council.

     4. Project Updates:

  • ETEC: This project is complete. There are only loose ends remaining. Buildings are occupied.
  • Alley: May only need 2-3 days of repair work to complete the project. There is a possibility the project may need more extensive time. The repairs are being planned and if they do not allow for a quick fix, the asphalt from Wildcat Way to just past the science building would need redone.
  • Student Center: In the process of being put out to bid
  • HVAC Repairs – Going before the Board 2/11/16. Assuming the bid is approved by the Board, the contractor would then have 30-45 days to mobilize.
  • Gym Phase 2 – Completed. Sound is greatly improved and gym is aesthetically improved as well.
  • Prop 39 – 2nd Phase – Courtyard LED lighting – The plans are being prepared in coordination with PG&E to keep in line with funding guidelines.
  • Signage/Maps – AP is working with Darcy Bogle to update/record the signage/maps around campus. Banners in parking areas are also helping to create visibility and identity around campus. There is a possibility that QR reader technology will be used on future signage to incorporate smartphone technology to make campus more interactive and accessible for impaired students.

     5. Foundation Space:

Brock McMurray informed the committee that there is a need to improve the current location/space of the Foundation. Options on/near campus are being researched, including modular, campus space, etc. There is not a plan yet, but options are being looked into.

   6. Other




Respectfully submitted by:



Sarah Criss
