April 05, 2016 Meeting



Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Members Present: Brock McMurray, Steve Lytle, Deborah Rodenhauser, Jose Vargas, Kent Miller, Mark Williams, Claudia Casagrande, Marisa Slayton, Mike Capela, Darcy Bogle, Kevin Cobb, Stacie Rancano, and Sarah Criss, recorder.


Members Absent: Mark Gibson, Adrian Agundez, and Carla Sandoval




  1. Minutes from February 9, 2016 Minutes from the February 9, 2016 meeting were approved by consensus.
  2. Land Acquisition Plan Brock McMurray and Kevin Cobb reviewed the Land Acquisition Plan’s role in the District plan. Feedback/questions were discussed:
    • Is it possible to move dental hygiene and/or welding courses to a location in Bakersfield to increase enrollment figures?
      1. Due to legalities and boundaries, it is unlikely that a move to Bakersfield would be possible. Future discussions will always include up to date options, including any type of satellite campus.
    • Is it possible to have a site within the new Student Center for a veteran’s information area?
      1. It is being noted so that when the winning bid is accepted the space will be reviewed for options.

The committee members voted to recommend approving taking the Land Acquisition Plan to the Governance Council.


  1. FPP/IPP – Updates Kevin Cobb updated the committee in regards to the FPP – a report that is documented to submit to the Chancellor’s office requesting funding for facility projects. The annual report for the WKCCD 5 year construction plan that is due to the Chancellor’s office includes one active FPP project plan. WKCCD’s active project is a future vocational center. Currently, a proposition is funding favorably across California. Due to this proposition’s favor, it is time to make a competitive plan for the vocation center. If the vocational center scores well, the District is in good position to be awarded “2nd year” funding, meaning the project proposed now could go into drawing/planning phase in 2017 if awarded. To be competitive, the plan needs to be designed in a way that points are earned in the ranking process. Factors include areas like enrollment growth, our share of the cost, and scale of the project in connection to our growth rates.


The IPP plan is the plan we submit that voices our succeeding facility objective. According to the strategic plans approved by the district and the current Land Acquisition Plan, our next priority is an off campus field sports center. The other high priority option is a gymnasium replacement.


  1. Student Center Update:

The project is currently being bid by contractors. It was due to close April 5, 2016 but extensions were granted with expectations that an extension would create a greater pool of bids. The pre-bid


Facilities Committee Minutes

April 5, 2016

Page 2


meeting with interested contractors was held recently. Overall, the project appears to be moving along in a positive direction.


  1. Project Updates:
    • PGE: The PGE project is currently bidding and set to close in two weeks. This project will add power and access to power to the campus. Once a contractor is approved, we will be working to coordinate the dates/times of the transfer of power with as little disruption to the campus as possible.
    • Prop 39 – Energy Efficiency: This project is the LED lighting around campus. It is underway and set to be completed this summer.
    • Alley Repair – The alley has been repaved and has passed a water/drainage test. The contractor is now working to wrap up minor details such as painting and cleaning.
    • HVAC Repairs – The equipment has been ordered. Once received, the repairs will be made fairly quickly. The surface around the HVAC units will be inspected for leaks and maintenance repair when the new units are installed.


  1. Other

Darcy Bogle thanked AP Architects for being a major sponsor in the upcoming Taft College Foundation Golf Tournament.


The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at noon in the Cafeteria Conference Room.


Respectfully submitted by:



Sarah Criss

Supporting Docs
