May 10, 2021 Meeting


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee



Monday May 10, 2021

12:10 pm – 1:00 pm

Via Zoom

Call to Order


Public Commentary


Action Items


  1. Approval of April 12, 2021 Minutes ACTION



Old Business


New Business



Discussion Items


  1. Finalized DE Accessibility Plan                         DISCUSSION
  2. Upcoming DE Events                                                                         DISCUSSION









Next Meeting: TBA


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee


Minutes for  

Monday, May 10, 2021 Meeting


Via Zoom


Call to Order: Bledsoe, 12:10 pm


Attendees:    Amar Abbott, Marianne C. Bishop (non-voting), Adam Bledsoe, Geoffrey Dyer, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Leslie Minor (non-voting), Jason Page


Absent:          Chris Flachmann, Robin Polski, Joy Reynolds, Brandy Young


Public Commentary: None


Approval of Minutes


  • April 12, 2021 Minutes submitted by M. Bishop
  • Minutes approved by unanimous consent


Old Business: None


Discussion Items


  • DE Accessibility Plan and Checklist: Bledsoe discussed the following –
    • Academic Senate has approved our Self-Eval Accessibility Checklist.
    • Suggestion was to provide instructions or hyperlinks for resources for each of the items in the checklist.
    • Hyperlinks could include training videos created in-house for various topics included in the checklist which we discussed at an earlier meeting.
    • Logistics, e.g., creation of videos, etc., will be discussed by committee in the near future.
    • There will be several training opportunities and we will keep track of attendance/completion.


  • Distance Education Updates: Bishop discussed the following –
    • Canvas API for cross-enrollment updated (coordinated by Bledsoe at the start): TC and other member “teaching colleges” will allow students to cross-enroll
    • DE purchased Screencast-O-Matic (SOM) and renewed Camtasia; both are for video creation, editing and screen capturing.
      • We have 30 licenses for Camtasia and 25 for SOM; faculty can request licenses through
    • While faculty can also use Canvas Studio to create videos, the value-add that Canvas Studio provides to faculty as an instructional tool which SOM and Camtasia do not is the ability to: a) add a quiz in the video itself (e.g., multiple choice, true/false statements), and b) allow students to post their comments while watching the video with their classmates. There are other features available.
      • Quiz scores taken in Canvas Studio are automatically generated in SpeedGrader.
      • Captioning of videos
    • Similar to Zoom, captioning in Canvas Studio occurs after recording.
    • AI (suggested by Abbott) is an option for captioning and transcriptions (about 90% accurate); with an account possibility to do live captioning
    • For May In-Service
      • There’s a 2-hour session Monday morning which will be repeated Tuesday afternoon.
      • A DE update and the accessibility checklist will be discussed.
      • There will be a demo of Screencast-O-Matic and Camtasia.
      • An overview of Canvas Studio will be presented.
    • For August In-Service
      • Possible three sessions: a) accessibility in Canvas and other tools, b) Canvas Studio, and c) Respondus LockDown Browser with Monitor if we end up using it
      • There will be an opportunity for hands-on learning.
    • Faculty-reviewers for Respondus
  • Joy Reynolds and other faculty members have expressed interest in reviewing Respondus this summer.
    • First Fridays (name to be revisited)
  • DE plans to revive the First Friday sessions where DE either holds trainings or one-on-one consultations.


  • Lunch and Learn (L&L): Minor discussed the following –
    • The Office of Instruction and the Curriculum and General Education Committee would like to dedicate L&L to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion issues, specifically the syllabus audit project or program and cultural curriculum audit.
    • Whatever modality we use (in-person or online), recordings and other resources will be archived and faculty will have access to them.
    • Since L&L is related to instructional improvement, it’s flex-eligible.
    • DE-related training will be held either through In-Service or First Fridays.




  • Congratulations and Next Committee Co-Chair
  • Bledsoe formally congratulated Kulzer-Reyes for her fourth class being approved by CVC-OEI and being badged.
  • She has the campus lead, passing Veronica Van Ry, and has another one in the pipeline.
  • TC now has 15 classes officially badged and another 14 submitted and working their way through.
  • Bledsoe suggested to Kulzer-Reyes to take on the POCR lead.
  • Kulzer-Reyes mentioned that Bledsoe is the “most helpful person to help you get through this process.”
  • Abbott inquired if Bledsoe will continue to co-chair this committee
    • Bledsoe indicated if no one would, he’d be happy to do it again.
    • Abbott will see what his schedule looks like since he’ll be Senate Secretary.




  • Bledsoe moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:28 pm.