January 15, 2021 Meeting


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee



Friday January 15, 2021

1:10 pm – 2:00 pm


Via Zoom



Call to Order


Public Commentary


Action Items


  1. Approval of December 14, 2020 Minutes             ACTION



Old Business


New Business



Discussion Items


  1. Committee Goals for 2020-2021        DISCUSSION
  2. Updates to Distance Learning Approval Forms        DISCUSSION
  3. Accessibility Considerations/Instructional Strategies                    DISCUSSION








Next Meeting: February 8, 2021 – 12:10 – 1:00 pm


Taft College Distance Learning and Education Committee


Minutes for  

Friday, January 15, 2021 (In-Service Session)

1:10 pm – 2:00 pm


Via Zoom


Call to Order: A. Bledsoe, 1:11 pm


Attendees:    Amar Abbott, Marianne C. Bishop (non-voting), Adam Bledsoe, Geoffrey Dyer, Chris Flachmann, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Leslie Minor (non-voting), Jason Page, Robin Polski, Joy Reynolds


Public Commentary: None




  • December 14, 2020 Minutes submitted by M. Bishop
  • Minutes adopted by unanimous consent


Discussion Items


  • Committee approved four goals:
  1. Review all Distance Learning requests
  2. Review DL Approval forms
  3. Review Distance Education Accessibility Plan
  4. Present revised DL form to faculty and create a video that explains form (suggested by R. Polski)


  • Committee members actively engaged in a discussion that focused on the Emergency Approval Form
    • Note: Since A. Bledsoe will be submitting a revised draft of the form at the February 8th meeting based on this day’s discussion, only brief highlights of the discussion will be included in these minutes.
    • Revisions to the form were submitted by K. Kulzer-Reyes and M. Bishop late last year.
    • The “Date of First Submission” and “Date of Resubmission” will be added to the form.
    • For Question #2: The paragraph that starts with “This course is being approved for online, offline, and hybrid delivery” was removed.
      • Question now starts with “This course is appropriate for (select all that apply):”
    • How to define “online,” “hybrid,” and “offline” was discussed at length.
      • Several months ago, DEETAC (Distance Education Technology Advisory Committee) started discussions on the definitions of these terms but discussions were eventually paused. The system-wide Distance Education Guidelines included guidance on definitions of courses but have not been approved by the Chancellor’s Office or shared with the system. Since there was confusion in the past when faculty submitted their responses to the forms regarding these terms, meeting focused on clarifying these terms.
      • There was discussion about the definition of “hybrid” to determine whether to include synchronous meetings. Scheduling of synchronous classes vary from section to section depending on the instructor.  It is a separate issue from the focus of the form as an addendum to the COR.
      • The term “hybrid” has been referred to by various sectors as “a combination of online and face-to-face/in-person classes at a physical location.”
      • Suggestions to the form for definition of “hybrid” included:
      • Requires an in-person component
      • Includes face-to-face classes
    • Regarding “offline” courses, the committee discussed whether this mode of delivery needed to be in the form and whether to include “correspondence” courses as “offline.” There is one correspondence course currently being offered.
      • “Offline” will still be included in the form and suggestions for definition of “offline” included:
        • Limited to incarcerated students
        • Exclusively for incarcerated students


  • Polski inquired about having a fillable form. A. Bledsoe mentioned he will edit the boxes on the Word form.
  • Discussion ended with a few members needing to leave. At the Feb. 8th meeting, committee will resume discussion on Question #3 of the Emergency form regarding percentages of distance learning courses offered in a particular program. Moreover, committee will discuss whether we will review the form or not if a Substantive Change has not yet been submitted to ACCJC. Additional information on the form will be discussed.
  • Committee plans to finalize the Emergency and traditional forms at the Feb. 8th




  • Bledsoe moved to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.