January 11, 2022 Meeting


Committee members: Leslie Minor, Joe’ll Chaidez, Shelley Getty, David Mitchell, Tiffany Payne, Kyle Webster

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout

  1. Approval of Minutes
  1. Student Survey Data Review


Committee attendees: Leslie Minor, Joe’ll Chaidez, Shelley Getty, David Mitchell, Tiffany Payne, Kyle Webster

Guests: Xiaohong Li, Krystal Allikas

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout

  1. Approval of Minutes

The group reviewed and approved the minutes from the December 2021 meeting.

  1. Student Survey Data Review

The group received the student survey data. The group looked at the Summary Taft College Student Survey document and discussed the results. The group also compared results from the 2021 student survey to the student survey that was administered in 2020. The group will continue the survey results review in the next Access Committee meeting.
