April 01, 2022 Meeting


Access Committee



Committee members: Leslie Minor, Joe’ll Chaidez, Shelley Getty, David Mitchell, Tiffany Payne, David Reynolds, Kyle Webster

Recorder: Danielle Vohnout


  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Access Committee shared folder
  3. Recommendations based on the survey results
  4. Changes to the survey for 22-23.


Access Committee Minutes

Committee attendees: Leslie Minor, Joe’ll Chaidez, Shelley Getty, David Mitchell, Tiffany Payne, David Reynolds, Kyle Webster;  Recorder: Danielle Vohnout


  1. Approval of Minutes

The group approved the minutes from the March 2022 Meeting.

  1. Access Committee shared folder


Danielle will work with IT to ensure everyone has access to the shared Access Committee folder and will send the committee members notification.

3. Recommendations based on the survey results

4. Changes to the survey for 22-23.

The group worked on item #3 and #4 at the same time. The group reviewed the survey results, compared to the 2020 survey and make recommendations. Changes included adding a question to #15 asking when the last time the student met with a counselor.

  1. Other

Leslie and Damon reviewed that the Access Committee reports to the Governance Council and that the timeline for charter reviews has changed and needs to be completed in May; therefore, the next meeting will include a charter review. Leslie and Damon also stated that the Access Committee and Success Committee share the same charge, goals, and objectives, and introduced the idea of rescheduling/restructuring the groups together. Under Guided Pathways implementation, two pillars fall under the Access Committee and two pillars falls under the Student Success pillars, so it makes sense to combine the groups. The larger group would meet less frequently while subcommittees would meet the other months and report to the larger group. The Access committee members were supportive of this change. Leslie and Damon will look at the Access committee and the Student Success committee charters to combine them and send them out for review and input from the committee prior to the May Access meeting.  
