March 03, 2014 Meeting


Academic Senate

Taft College

Monday, March 3, 2014


Cougar Room

Public Commentary
Approval of Minutes of February 3, 2014


1. Standing Committee Updates – 5 minutes
a. Strategic Planning Committee (David Layne)
b. Curriculum & General Education Committee (David Layne)
c. Budget Committee (Sonja Swenson)
d. Academic Development (Kelly Kulzer-Reyes)
2. Resolution recommending Emeritus status for Jeff Ross – 5 minutes (Tony Thompson)

3. Tutoring Services – 20 minutes – (Diane Jones)

4. Access Committee Charter – 10 minutes – (Mark Williams)

5. Brown Act and the Academic Senate – 5 minutes – (Tony Thompson)

President’s Report

Next Meeting – Monday, April 7, 2014


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, March 3, 2014

Cougar Conference Room

Attendees: President Tony Thompson, Vice President David Layne, Secretary Linda West, Nancy Artiga,
Kanoe Bandy, Eric Bérubé, Paul Blake, Adam Bledsoe, Kamala Carlson, Joe’ll Chaidez, Bill Devine,
Tori Furman, Shelley Getty, Greg Golling, Gary Graupman, Jessica Grimes, Dan Hall, Vicki Jacobi,
Brian Jean, Craig Johnson, Diane Jones, Kelly Kulzer Reyes, Julián Martinez, Mariza Martinez,
Michelle Oja, Ruby Payne, Robin Polski, Juana Rangel-Escobedo, David Reynolds, Joy Reynolds,
Denise Romero, Jeff Ross, Rebecca Roth, Sonja Swenson, Susan Vaughan, Stefanie Walsh, Mark Williams

The meeting was called to order at 12:14 p.m.

Public Commentary


Review of February 3, 2014 Senate Minutes

A motion was made by Jeff Ross and seconded by Robin Polski to approve the minutes as presented. The
motion carried.

Strategic Planning Committee Update David Layne

David Layne reported the Strategic Planning Committee is continuing work on the planning mosaic.

Curriculum & General Education Update David Layne

David Layne reported the committee is currently working to review the makeup of the committee. He
also stated that he’s been unable to locate an existing charter for the committee and it appears a new
charter will need to be developed.

Budget Committee Update Sonja Swenson

Sonja Swenson reported that the committee has been spending the majority of time looking at non-
personnel items.

Academic Development Kelly Kulzer Reyes

Kelly Kulzer Reyes reported the committee is currently looking at how basic skills initiative funds were
allocated and spent and making sure they’re in alignment.
Resolution Recommending Emeritus Status for Jeff Ross Tony Thompson

Vicki Jacobi received unanimous consent from the Learning Support Division to recommend Jeff Ross’s
nomination for Faculty Emeritus status. Tony Thompson drafted a resolution from the Senate
recommending Jeff Ross for Professor Emeritus Status. A copy of the resolution is included as an
attachment to these minutes.

A motion was made by Diane Jones and seconded by Craig Johnson to approve the resolution as
presented. The motion carried unanimously.

Tutoring Services Diane Jones

The possibility of contracting for on online tutoring service was presented at the February Senate
meeting and the consensus was that the Senate needed more information before it could support that
option. Bill Devine asked if the online tutoring service proposal had gone through the governance
process and already been approved at some level? Greg Golling stated that it was on the list of
governance program projects approved and was listed as grant-funded. Kelly Kulzer Reyes stated that
basic skills grant funds were designated for tutoring, but those funds have already been allocated for the
part-time SIs. A question was raised about the amount of funds that are available for tutoring and
whether the source of the funding is from grants and/or the general fund.

The question of how we can improve our current tutoring program was raised. At one time, the college
had a robust, faculty-driven, peer tutoring program. The college continues to advertise free tutoring for
all subjects, but that doesn’t appear to be an accurate statement. The number of content specific tutors
has been reduced significantly. Mark Williams stated that the issue of tutoring has been the most
confused and conflicted issue since he arrived on campus and he agreed to provide a report on funding
at the April Senate meeting.

Access Committee Charter Mark Williams

Mark Williams reported there has been some confusion regarding the role of the Access Committee.
Mark stated he views the role of the committee as a recommending body that will look at the “big
picture” to ensure all interests are considered in in the creation of new programs and elimination of
existing programs.

Brown Act and the Academic Senate Tony Thompson

Tony Thompson raised the question of whether or not the Academic Senate and Senate subcommittees
were subject to the provisions of the Brown Act. If so, there are new requirements for reporting and
every vote must be recorded. Tony stated he would seek legal advice on this issue. Tony also stated he
will make sure copies of Senate agendas are posted in public locations prior to Senate meetings.

Tony reminded the group about the All College meetings scheduled for Tuesday, March 11th and
Wednesday, March 19th in the Cougar Room from 2-4 p.m.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:04 p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 7, 2014.

Respectfully submitted by

Linda West, Academic Senate Secretary

Whereas, Jeff Ross has served Taft College with distinction as a fulltime faculty member for thirty-eight
years, including, but not limited to, the following areas or assignments:

  • Director, Student Support Services (DSP&S)
  • Learning/Development Disabilities Specialist
  • Curriculum development for students with disabilities
  • Chair, Academic Development Committee
  • Division Chair, Social Sciences
  • Co-Chair, Learning Support Division
  • Designed and established the nationally recognized Transition to Independent Living Program for students with intellectual disabilities
  • Coordinated the Migrant Education Program and implemented a HSIAC grant


Whereas, Jeff Ross originated and was the primary architect of the Disabled Students Program and
Services (DSP&S) at Taft College, now commonly referred to as Student Support Services; and

Whereas, through several professional memberships outside of Taft College, Jeff Ross has used
knowledge and experiences gained from these organizations to benefit Taft College students with
Learning and/or Developmental disabilities; and

Whereas, Jeff Ross has received the Dr. John W. Rice Equity and Diversity Award, the CAPED Lanterman
Award for Outstanding Service to Persons with Disabilities, the Community College League of California
Creating the Future Award, the California Community College Student Success Award-Transition to
Independent Living Program, and many others;

Resolved, that the Learning Support Division and the Academic Senate of Taft College, encourage the
Administration and the Board of Trustees, to support the nomination of Jeff Ross for a most prestigious
honor – that of Professor Emeritus status at Taft College.
